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Problem activating account

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi - I just tried to activate a new eSIM this morning.  Everything was going great until I my phone couldn’t connect to the network.  I went into the settings on my phone and under turn on line it says activating, which has been going on for hours.  My phone also says no service where the bars should be.  I have restarted my phone several times with no luck.  Everytime I go into my public mobile account it says it needs me to confirm it’s me using the code it sent to my new phone number… which I can’t access.  It seems I am stuck in a loop.  Any ideas?


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thanks for your reply.  I have sent pm a message but have not heard back.  I reset the network settings but still no service.

it looks ok to me.  Try Reset Network Settings 

and you have message PM for help yet?


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately unfortunately I don’t really understand what you mean by ESIM manager.  Here is what I see on my phone.image.jpg

Mayor / Maire

you need to go to the sim card manager and find Public Mobile eSIM, enable it there.  If iPhine, turn on "Turn on this line" and set it as Primary.  Then Reset Network Settings 

or if still unable to get it to work, ask PM.  

Since you cannot properly login, you won't be able to open the preferred Chatbot ticket.  So, you will need to message them here

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