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Porting partially worked - no incoming calls

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hello, it's been about 7 hours and I still can't recieve incoming calls (straight to voicemail) data and outgoing calls works on PM sim and Rogers sim is still active.  I'm assuming the porting hasn't completed yet or something is wrong?  I already pm'd @Mary_M and gave my old account information and phone number.  Is there anything else I can do on my end to expediate this?  


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

At least that's working. Still tough to wait no doubt. Hopefully they can adjust your plan start date once everything is working (as mentioned here). Good luck!


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


Yes luckily I've been able to use Rogers until things get ported completely.  

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen


Did you have voice mail with Rogers? Try calling your own number...if it goes to Rogers voice mail, the account is still active and the SIM likely works. Which means you can use it (and the Rogers plan) until Mods can solve the problem. Better than having no incoming calls for now...

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Who knows??? I think the support is done at random, I'm in the same boat as you

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

It's been 4.5 days and I still can't receive incoming calls.  I pm'd both @Mary_M and @Shazia_K but doesn't show as read (could be read) and I have no idea what order I am in the queue.  I'm trying to remain patient and I'm going to assume they will adjust my payment date when I finally get my port completed?

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
For whatever reason, the port is stuck. With the huge backlog, it could take a couple/few more days to hear from a Mod... In the meantime, use your old Rogers plan and SIM. Hopefully it will be solved soon and you'll be able to leave Rogers behind like I did. 🙂

P.S. For anyone wondering how to contact a Mod see here (from the Knowledge Base):

And here for what to send (from the Announcements section of the forum):

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I called Rogers and they weren't really helpful either.  They just said the porting is done on your new carrier and you have to contact them.  Well you know how that's going...

@Mannie wrote:
I called wind, all they stated to me was I was still active on their end. They told me its an issue on PM's end. I am active on both??? Just can't receive calls on PM

The no incoming calls on your Public sim is normal for a porting request that hasn't been fullfilled.  It should continue like this until everything gets fixed and you should be able to at least use your Wind sim card so that you won't miss any calls to you.  What isn't normal is how it's been taking multiple days for your  number transfer to complete.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
I called wind, all they stated to me was I was still active on their end. They told me its an issue on PM's end. I am active on both??? Just can't receive calls on PM

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
I'm in same boat as @toastbuster : initiated port last night from Rogers, took about 2 hours (text message came in indicating port completed successfully). Last item to work properly was incoming calls.

After completing the port Self Serve screen, I powered down the phone (iPhone) and inserted PM SIM. Outgoing calls worked right away. Texts too (in and out). I rebooted my phone a couple times (with PM SIM; Rogers SIM not used...was sitting as a backup in case incoming didn't work). Then I let the phone charge and the "success" text arrived some time later (about 2 hours after the self serve screen).

Not sure if any of that matters...maybe rebooting helps? Still takes a couple hours...

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
I'm in the same boat, I direct messaged on mod, but so far no response - activated my sim Saturday night. I'm just worried that these moderators are going to quit, I think I would. Seems like thousands of people will be having issues

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

For those of you that are stuck in the porting process like me, would it help trying to call Rogers (or your old carrier) to enquire about the port or is it in the hands of PM?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
I started my port from Rogers last night around 10pm. I got a text confirming the port completion about 2 hours later. Don't know if that helpsm

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Wow that long???  This is really sad.  I'm porting from a Rogers business plan if that makes any difference.  I guess it's only rainbow and lollipops when you don't run into a problem but when you're in our shoes...

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
And that could take forever as well.

Some people here have been waiting over 7 days

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I am having the same issue. It's been 12 hours now. Reading some of the old threads it seems that one of the mods has to manually fix (range in the past been as long as 5 days).


Please let me know who I and direct message to get my phone fixed... I really need to use my phone for work...


Hate to say it but if this problem continues I might have to swtich back to my old carrier.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
Same boat, 4 days for me

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
I'm in the same boat, came over from Rogers and everything works perfect minus incoming calls. 😞

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Come on guys, no reply from mods and not even a reply from another user that's in the same boat as me?  Can anyone tell me how long it took them to resolve their port after trying to message a mod? @Caroline_D

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
So it's been 30 hours since I tried to port my number from Rogers, I tried to pm the mods but no response. Can anybody tell me how long I'm suppose to be waiting for the porting process or get a response from the mods? @Saray_O

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Would it help if I tried calling Rogers to ask or just be patient? @Shazia_K
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