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Plan wont auto renew

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

My plan is the $15/month plan. I had 6 dollars in my account so i topped up with a 10 dollar voucher. I now have 16  in my accpunt but wont reactivate my plz


Lost/Stolen phone might get you back the service quick, but you will likely need to open another ticket to get your reward back after.


So, if you need it quick, try that.  If you can wait, open a ticket with PM Support and have them to manually renew for you with the amount in your account.



Update:  Hi @Darcykickass   Look like you  picked a solution and you might have used this trick.  Check your reward again next week.  If they are all gone, open a ticket with PM Support. 

Mayor / Maire

@Darcykickass wrote:

My plan is the $15/month plan. I had 6 dollars in my account so i topped up with a 10 dollar voucher. I now have 16  in my accpunt but wont reactivate my plz


Have you got your phone working now?

If not, go to the Lost/Stolen Phone page and Click on Suspend service.

Log out, back in , Resume Service should solve your issue.



Not applicable

@softech wrote:

@Anonymous   you are apologizing on behalf of your frienemy?  🙂


He is not frenemy, only to correct the information to any OP.

@Anonymous   you are apologizing on behalf of your frienemy?  🙂

@Darcykickass   This is a glitch usually able to be resolved by manually paying online. 

In your case, you can try to add a $1 amount by going to the Payment tab, click on One Time Payment, Select  Other and enter $1.  If payment goes through, click "Reactive current plan".  Then logoff from My Account and reboot your phone.



Not applicable

 @Darcykickass : Sorry about the clutter of duplicate information from the same user.

Not applicable


i suggest you close all Browser and do clear cache and cookies for any Browser,

and try open one Browser incognito mode,

or try it for a different Browser and open incognito mode,

how to open Browser incognito mode visit Here link,

how to clear cache and cookies and History visit Here link,

and use a Browser from your computer,is better

use Browser microsoft edge or chrome latest version
and just make sure your Browser is up to date update
sometime is the Browser is not update is give a issue.

how to update your Browser visit Here link, 

and Restart your computer, is will help a lot,


and do it again the processing payment manually,

Not applicable

@softech @hTideGnow 

ok i get it apologies.

@Anonymous wrote:

@Darcykickass wrote:

When i press reactivate current plan, it brings me to a payment window. It says my plan is 15 bucks , i have 16 available and to make a payment for 0$


your plan $15 plus tax is will be $16.95 ... and you have a $16.00 is still missing.

@Anonymous   Whatever show on the My Account is Usable amount, no tax needed.  Tax is charged and calculated on the credit card level or when you buy the voucher.  



@Anonymous wrote:

@Darcykickass wrote:

When i press reactivate current plan, it brings me to a payment window. It says my plan is 15 bucks , i have 16 available and to make a payment for 0$


your plan $15 plus tax is will be $16.95 ... and you have a $16.00 is still missing.

Hi @Darcykickass,   From what you said, there is no tax problem.  If you see $16 in Available Fund, you are good with the amount.  You have more than enough on your account.


@Anonymous  this is untrue. $16 already in the account

Not applicable

 @Darcykickass : The above tax reply is incorrect. But go back to the Overview page again and see what you see.

Hi @Darcykickass  , do you have a credit card on file?  Can you choose Other and make a $1 payment?  Usually a small payment like this will trigger the renewal.


If you don't have a CC on the system, you will then need to open ticket with PM, click on the Bubble on the lower right or directly at :
follow this to open ticket quicker

  1. type: Contact CS Agent
  2. Click "Contact Us"
  3. Click "Other"
  4. Click "Click here to submit a ticket"
  5. you will then direct to another page to open ticket.

    After ticket is submitted, make sure to check your Community Inbox(top right corner envelope icon) periodically for response from PM's CS Agent

Not applicable

@Darcykickass wrote:

When i press reactivate current plan, it brings me to a payment window. It says my plan is 15 bucks , i have 16 available and to make a payment for 0$


your plan $15 plus tax is will be $16.95 ... and you have a $16.00 is still missing.

Edit: my mistake sorry

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Basically whem i press reactivate current plan it brings me to a payment wi dow asking for a 0$ payment

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

When i press reactivate current plan, it brings me to a payment window. It says my plan is 15 bucks , i have 16 available and to make a payment for 0$

Not applicable

 @Darcykickass : What matters is whether services are working and the date up top. If you see the $16 in your Available Funds and a recent date then click that Reactivate button which will take you to a payment screen. Click the Overview tab to go back and observe the date up top and your Available Funds. If the money's gone and the date is now in the future then try your services. If working then disregard all the messaging.

@Triguy wrote:

You also need to include sales tax.

Hi @Triguy   Sound like no tax in this case.  OP got the $10 voucher and should have paid tax already.  The $6 in the accord already and already taxed.


Hi @Darcykickass   What is the account status?  Is it showing Suspended?  If so, there should be a button Reactivate Current plan,  please click on it.


Not applicable


go sign in to Self-Serve, to review your account,

1. Click on Payment

2. Make a Payment

3. one Time Payment 

4. you will see your Amount Due:$$

5. Payment Type: selected other ( Enter the desired payment amount )

6. you will do manually enter Amount:$$ + $1 extra

7. Tax: will collect automatically,
8. Click ‘Submit’,
9.after payment successful,  you have to do Rebooting your phone
what is meant by rebooting the device turn off and turn it back on.
10. and how much you pay the extra is will going to your account Available funds:$$ has the amount left, and for next bill cycle the will take it from there automatically,

* some vouchers take 24 hours to activate,

you can call 1 855 4PUBLIC and add your voucher PIN
or call *611

close all Browser and do clear cache and cookies for any Browser,

and try open one Browser incognito mode,

You will usually find it at the top or bottom of the receipt. To top up your account with a voucher, log into your  Self-Serve, account, click on the "Payment" tab, then "One-time payment". In the form that appears on the next page, click on "Payment voucher" as the payment method, enter the voucher code below, then click "Submit".


if you can't fix it you need to Contact Customer Support Agent by CS_Agent, the will add for it


Here’s How To Contact Customer Support Agent by CS_Agent,and Submit a Ticket,

  • Get help with your account the easy way by starting a conversation with our virtual assistant, SIMon. It’ll take you to relevant help articles, or if it’s something more urgent, it can help you submit a ticket to Customer Support Agent by CS_Agent,Click Here link,to get started. Type,, Ticket ,, Click ,, Contact Us ,, Select your issue ,,
    Click here to submit a ticket↗↗.


  • or you can send a private message to Customer Support Agent by CS_Agent, by Click Here link,
  • please include in your message,
  • phone number,
  • Email address,


  • Customer Support Agent by CS_Agent, will Response to your inbox by private message 
  • During business hours, we strive to answer customer messages swiftly. You will often get an answer within an hour. During peak periods, you may need to wait up to 48 hours.Customer Support Agents are available:
    • Monday to Sunday: 6 AM to 10 PM EST
    • Note: For public mobile No Support by phone call or Email.. only by CS_Agentprivate message..

    Check your private message inbox (click on the envelope top right of your screen)

         Good Luck...

Mayor / Maire

Do you still have service?
Is today your renewal day?
Do you see this message when logging in into your account?


If everything is yes, then nothing to worry about. Ignore all messages and continue to use PM as usual.

Mayor / Maire

You also need to include sales tax.


Edit try making a manual payment of a $1.

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