12-20-2017 05:58 PM - edited 01-05-2022 03:47 AM
I am in the auto payment now and pay once every 3 months. If I can cancel the service in middle of the payment period, do I get refund for the remaining unused air time or monthly service charge?
12-21-2017 10:31 AM
@stonechucker wrote:Okay, @srlawren and @will13am, stop making me hungry. I walked 2.5 hours yesterday, (over 15,000 steps), and this morning as I read these messages, I'm hungry!
Only had a bowl of store brand honey nut O's for breakfast. Where are my granola bars...
Carrot says I need to do 16000 steps everyday. I collect petro points on that app. I think the cost of the shoes I wear out is much greater than the points when converted to gas. Lucky I don't eat more to replenished the consumed calories otherwise, I'd be broke.
12-21-2017 07:48 AM
12-20-2017 07:53 PM
If someone uses "Baconator" as their username will Wendy's sue them? If so, what about LudditeTheBaconator?
I could not resist looking and discovered that the domain "baconator.ca" is available! Only $13.84/year!!!
12-20-2017 07:25 PM
@will13am good idea! So for me, that's 0 + 30 extra = 30 mins exercise routine!
You know what, I'll just skip it, because I'll be too tired to exercise after eating the big mac, whopper, and baconator. And all those fries. Yeah, nap time.
12-20-2017 07:21 PM
@stonechucker wrote:No, you can not get a refund if you port out your number, as this is prepaid service. Really, it’s like a Happy Meal at McDonald’s. If you decide you’d rather have a Whopper at Burger King, you can’t get refunded the uneaten portion at McDonald’s.
It's the festive season, I would treat myself and have both. Then I would lament about the mistake and add an extra 30 minutes to the exercise routine.
12-20-2017 07:07 PM
@mimmo @stonechucker love the analogies.
That said, what if I decide I'd rather have a Baconator from Wendys? I can still get back the $0.98 worth of Whopper I didn't eat, right? Right???
12-20-2017 06:14 PM
As Public Mobile plans are pre-paid and not post-paid like a majority of other service providers, there is no refund if you cancel your plan early. Might as well wait until your plan is almost up for renewal before you cancel:)
12-20-2017 06:09 PM
No, you can not get a refund if you port out your number, as this is prepaid service. Really, it’s like a Happy Meal at McDonald’s. If you decide you’d rather have a Whopper at Burger King, you can’t get refunded the uneaten portion at McDonald’s.
12-20-2017 06:07 PM
hi PM is prepaid. so no refunds. think of it like a gift card once purchased it can not be returned.