06-10-2023 10:13 AM
My subscription didn’t renew automatically so I tried making payment. Each time my subscription wouldn’t renew. Tried using the bot and even authorized for payment to come off my credit card. Phone still wouldn’t work. In my third try I changed my subscription and it worked.
However there are now three charges to my credit card for each time I tried to make payment. 47.00 each time plus a $4 charge for something I have no idea about.
I see this under payments but can’t download a receipt for either as it gives me a blank page.
I tried submitting a ticket but that gives me an error.
How to I contact an agent to get this fixed?
I don’t see any of the money I added to my account because if I did I’d leave it alone as my subscription would be paid for for two months.
I’m really not liking this lack of communication public mobile offers. There must be an easier way to see my account and speak to an actual agent.
I’ve read people saying click an envelope . I don’t see an envelope to click. Is there an email address to public mobile?!
Im at a loss 😞
06-13-2023 09:15 AM
No! Nope just the one account. I was signed in when I loaded the funds. Even authorized the chat bot to take funds out and that didnt work. I don’t see an envelope nope. I’m on mobile. Should I try signing in on a computer perhaps?
06-13-2023 09:14 AM
I tried to literally renew with credit card on file and it wouldn’t work. So then I tried again, still wouldn’t work so having to go outta town in an hour I had no other options but to try changing the plan. That was the only way my service worked. But they charged me for the times I tried prior. I have no way to contact them though. How did you do that?
06-10-2023 11:43 AM
@AndreaL77 - can you see the envelope here at the top right corner?https://productioncommunity.publicmobile.ca/t5/notes/privatenotespage
Yeah, sounds like the payments through Chatbot isn't as clear as it should be.
Is it possible you have another account that you are loading funds to? When you get to the Sign In option through Chabot ensure you are choosing the correct log in credentials.
06-10-2023 10:40 AM
@Bullet_77 wrote:I updated my plans for the next billing cycle. The system billed me directly that day and I lost 2 weeks of paid service. I contacted customer service and they gave me a credit for half the month. But I was just in my account and someone or something has taken the credit back out and I am still no where near my renewal yet. As I am no where near to being a month yet. I think this new system is really glichy. I can't afford to make any more plan changes on it till they get the bugs out of it. I had some one from customer service fix this in the first day. Then I had at least 8 other customer service people contacting me saying they where going to fix it too. I only want what they owe me.
@Bullet_77 you could be checked locally cached page and the info you got might not be updated. Please login to My Account again but use Incognito mode this time. You should see the credit there. If not, check the Payment history page and there should be a debit transaction if they removed it for any reason
Again, if you see no trace of the credit, please open a ticket with support again via direct message, ask them to confirm what happened
06-10-2023 10:40 AM
@Bullet_77- Are you also AndreaL77? It sounds like you did an immediate plan change. There is no pro-rating here. Always choose to change at next renewal unless you just must have more data.
06-10-2023 10:33 AM
@AndreaL77 please first try to login My Account once more but use Incognito mode. Check if you see your account is renewed, or the money is sitting as Available Fund. Check Payment History page and see if you see those transactions and maybe the reciepts
If no sign of money there, also check with our CC to confirm those are not pending charges. It is possible they are just pending
If they are posted charges, please open ticket with PM support to get them further looked into