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Pause Subscription and Receive Voicemail

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Does anyone have any experience pausing a subscription (say because you are going out of country for a month); but want to receive voice-mail. I want to know at which point will voice-mail stop. Is it after 90 days from date of pausing the subscription; given that after 90 days the plan gets suspended?


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@softech: Interesting. I'll do this when the time come to suspend which will be in a couple of months time and keep this thread in mind to reply back. Thanks for letting me know 🙂



you have to test it yourself.  There used to be a "glitch" that if you suspend the account via Lost/Stolen before the account expires (end of cycle) , then you can keep using the voicemal by checking VM via another line, not via the phone with the PM sim card.

But I think I also seen people said this "glitch" is no more

so, maybe you can try to supsned via Lost/Stolen before cycle ends and report back.  thanks @Cheetah24 

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Thanks for all your replies. Now I got it 🙂 🙂

@Cheetah24  It will stop on your renewal date not right away as PM is pre paid so it ends when your renewal date is up . And PM is every 30 days not monthly 

@Cheetah24 wrote:

But then say my renewal date is 23rd of each month. I pause the subscription on the 10th. So I have already paid for the duration of 10th to 23rd (current month). So isn't it that the voicemail will be functioning until the 23rd? Or are you sure that it's going to stopped as soon as I hit the pause subscription toggle?

@Cheetah24   @Handy1  was incorrect on that

Toggling  Subscribed to off won't affect your service until the end of your cycle, ie, you will still have full service including VM till 23rd.

You can't pause your subscription mid-cycle. You can turn off the subscribe radio button, which will disable auto pay at next renewal. All your services will continue to work until the last day of your cycle, then the 90 ay clock starts.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

But then say my renewal date is 23rd of each month. I pause the subscription on the 10th. So I have already paid for the duration of 10th to 23rd (current month). So isn't it that the voicemail will be functioning until the 23rd? Or are you sure that it's going to stopped as soon as I hit the pause subscription toggle?

Mayor / Maire

@Cheetah24 It would stop once you pause subscription turning auto subscribe off . It can stay suspended for 90 day before having make payment before 90 day is up . But after 90 day the whole account will be closed and number gone 

Mayor / Maire

You won't be able to receive voicemail if you pause your subscription, as that's part of the service you aren't paying for.

You can keep your account and number as long as your don't pause your account for more than 90 days at a time. Make sure to reactivate around the 85 day mark to make sure. Your existing plan will kick back in as soon as you reactivate.

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