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Odd autopayment

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I have a $30 plan with a $2 autopay discount.

I have autopay enabled, and leave $30 each month to ensure there’s enough money to pay the monthly fee even if something goes wrong with autopay.  Usually it takes the $28 and leaves $2.  Each month I add another $28 to top it up to a $30 credit again.


This month there was only $25 deducted, and a $3 charge on my credit card.  There was a $5 amount left and I added $25 to top it up to a $30 credit again.  This, however, doesn’t address the problem if something goes wrong with autopay.


I have a sign-up promotional plan so I’m a little concerned it won’t take auto payment and then it will remove the promotional plan...


Has this happened to anyone else?  Any ideas if it doesn’t use my credit and autopay fails for some reason?  I’m very happy with my current plan so that’s the concern.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Well, I would just top up to $35, so after the extra $5 it would still be only $28 each month.

@moonmack   Something paused during your renewal. Instead of following the normal process of adding rewards, promo amount and withdrawal of available funds the system failed to add your promo amount at the correct time. As a result it defaulted to autopay for the missing amount from your funds. Strangely it then added your promo amount.

      Luckily the renewal didn't fail but managed to leapfrog the glitch (not adding the promo amount) and still charge the missing amount to continue the renewal. You will need a moderator to create a ticket for the technical department to fix this in your account so it doesn't occur again.

         I admire your system for an (almost) fool proof system to prevent an autopay failure. What it can't prevent is a renewal failure. Rest assured you will not lose your promotion due to an autopay or renewal failure that is due to no fault on your part. Failures on the part of public mobiles antiquated payment system will never impact your promotion clauses.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité


Yes, you can topup to $35 before your renewal dates.

Since you created a support ticket for them to check on your account, your complaint is on record to protect your $5/m credit.   If PM server failed to renew your service, you can ask the $5 credit back because the payment issue is not your fault.

@moonmack 😁if you do that, every 6th month will be free. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I have the following plan:

Flash sale 500MB of bonus data $35 plan
Flash sale $5 off $35 plan


So with autopay it ends up being $28 for 2 gig of data and unlimited texting and messaging.


I’ve sent in a ticket.


Maybe the solution is to leave $35 credit instead of $30 on my account?  Seems a bit silly though...

@moonmack  you are right, for some reason, auto pay ignored the $5 sign up credit and charged your credit card an additional $3. Do as @popping suggests and contact the moderators.

Mayor / Maire

@moonmack...what was the original details of your promo plan ?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


 Here’s my payment info for the last few times.  You can see the additional $3 credit card charge made by autopay and then I manually added the $25 instead of $28

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité


That is not normal.

Since only moderator can access your account, create a moderator support ticket to check on your account using the ? button at the right side bottom corner of this page.

1. Tell SIMon what is the issue
2. Ask for "moderator"
3. SIMon will give your 2 choices. Click on the "Account-specific question"
4. Then, click on "No, I want a human"
5. Click "Submit a ticket"
6. Follow instruction to create support ticket.

After submitted a ticket, members should check their private message SENT folder for their ticket which they just created.
If you cannot find your ticket in your SENT box, You did not create your support ticket yet. Also monitor your INBOX for any reply from moderator.
Click the envelop icon at the top right corner to access your private message mailbox.


Mayor / Maire

@moonmack could you please post a screenshot of your  payment history?  Please omit all personal information. Thanks.

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