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Number porting issue

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
I activated my sim last night but my number has not been ported yet. Can any morderator please help me port my number thank you!

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
I only have account name and number. That's it. Worked and ported in 20min

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
@hwli yes i think my information was not enough that is why I am facing some issues thank you!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Thanku! And yes I messaged moderators already and I understand they are under a lot of pressure but I have not yet been contacted by any one I hope someone does contact me at least today.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Speaking from my experience porting out from Rogers 2 days ago....


The porting process has to be understood by the computer.  Any mismatch from your input and the old cell phone carrier database, it will cause a problem. 


For me, I gave them my account #, IMEI#, account holder's name (which is different from mine because my spouse's name is on the the bill), and a alternate phone number different from your porting number.


I hope it helps and wish you the best

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hello @Hina,


Welcome to PM!


I would refere you to one of my earlier posts, which refers/links to other posts by various members before All of these basically boil down to needing to be a little patient, which, it seems, you have already been since you attempted last night. I would second the advice given by the poster above which says that you should contact the moderators, and they will help you out as quick as they can. (Keep in mind, they have been pretty slammed as well! 🙂


Feel free to ask anything in here, or message if you prefer.



Mayor / Maire

@Hina  Have you sent a private message to the moderators?  If not please do so and make sure you include the relvant information from the t hread below.

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