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Number Porting Problem, can somebody help?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I missed my live chat time period on my ticket, so how do I get in touch with somebody who can set this process in motion for me? Or is it something I can do on my own?


@Meow wrote:

@computergeek541 wrote:



Please note that Public Mobile does not provide support by e-mail.  Also, in specific situations, online live chat as Bberryman Shawn were mentioning, is available.

OK, OK. Support by private message. Is that better? 🙂

Chat is available for per-purchase only, if I remember correctly, right?

No, that's not correct.  Live chat is available at the discretion of Public Mobile to people who are already customers.  It's not something that can be asked for, but in certain situations, Public Mobile will offer it.

@computergeek541 wrote:



Please note that Public Mobile does not provide support by e-mail.  Also, in specific situations, online live chat as Bberryman Shawn were mentioning, is available.

OK, OK. Support by private message. Is that better? 🙂

Chat is available for per-purchase only, if I remember correctly, right?



Please note that Public Mobile does not provide support by e-mail.  Also, in specific situations, online live chat as Bberryman and Shawn were mentioning, is available.


@Bberryman wrote:

I missed my live chat time period on my ticket, so how do I get in touch with somebody who can set this process in motion for me? Or is it something I can do on my own?

@Bberryman   do you have an active request for porting in your phone number?  If that is the case, there is a number you can call to talk to porting team with your active porting request.


I will message you the phone number.  Check your Community in box on the top right, envelope icon


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin


Mayor / Maire

You should be able to reschedule and initiate everything again, there are a few ways to connect with a CSA

Mayor / Maire

There is no 'chat period' with PM. Only communication is through email.

If you are talking about missing to reply Yes within 90 minutes on initiating porting request, you will have to contact agent to initiate it it again.

Keep your OLD SIM in your phone and reply Yes within 90 minutes. Then be patient for few hours.

To contact CSA-agent, there are 2 methods:

If ticketing does not work very first time, contact agent directly.


I would respond to the method you were contacted through that setup your live chat and see what happens.  The other option is to create a trouble ticket through the chatbot SIMon, link in my signature


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

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