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Not receiving texts or call since porting my number.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I switched from Roger’s on Sunday, I responded yes to the text messaged authorizing the number port, but I haven’t been receiving texts or calls. How do I check to see if the port was done properly or have it ported again? Thanks!


@Jessie23 @And @Jeff17  sent !

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

The same thing has happened to me while porting over from Virgin. Approved the transfer text message from Virgin but my public mobile sim does not recieve calls or texts. Old virgin sim is still working

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi there I am having the same problem can u please guide me or send me the number also and my old provider Sim is canceled no longer works 

@LynnMac  Ok so call the number I private messaged you and the will re trigger request for you 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thank you! I just checked and the Rogers sim still works. 

Mayor / Maire

@LynnMac  I’ll send you the porting team number private message and they can re trigger the port request for you . In the mean time you can check to see if the rogers  sim still works . If it does the port was not complete 

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