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Not receiving SMS messages to previous carrier and cannot 'fully activate' Public my account.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I am trying to move to Public from another carrier. I subscribed to Public but am now getting messages from Public that it needs to send a message to my previous phone number to fully activate my public account. BUT I am not getting SMS messages from previous carrier.

The Public info says that if I press resend code, then will get option to send to email instead of to SMS, But I do not receive this option.

So I am going round and round in a very frustrating loop. Need to somehow have Public send email codes and not SMS codes

Can someone help?


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

the issue started with porting my number today, i didn't get any confirmation messages from PM but my account says that it is my number.

hi @SMClarke 

if you cannot even make calls, that is not porting but account setup.  You have to submit ticket for agent to check

you can submit  ticket by direct message:  

Remember CS_agent will reply to your Community inbox within 2 to 4 hours, please check your inbox here:


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

i can't make or recieve calls but im going to use my daughter's phone to call them

hi @SMClarke 

can you make outbound calls? it is only a porting issue (and porting team can help) if you can make outbound calls but not receiving inbound

I just sent the number to you, check your Community inbox

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

can I also get the number i've been stuck waiting on the for the past 8 hours and no response. I'm having the same issue with porting my number

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thank you for sending number. They did not reslve problem but were helpful and you and the lady on teh phone gave me back confidence in Public! I was getting ready to give up!



Also, your current carrier plan needs to active to receive the port request text.  Is your present plan active?  

Mayor / Maire


Do you have the old SIM in your phone to get the text from your old carrier?

Mayor / Maire

hi @AJ32 

check with PM porting support team and confirm.   I will send you the number to PM Porting support team  Please check your community inbox

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