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No service zone

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin


I don’t get any service in my neighborhood//home of South Surrey in BC. Is there a workaround? I’m a healthcare worker who is on call for hospitals. Thank you. 



Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Kokoeye403 I was in Surrey area last night and I had reception.  Did it just happen today?


working now?


@Kokoeye403   There was a outage notice for wide area in BC on Telus status page yesterday (actually it was since Dec 23).  But it is now gone, so I will assume issue is all resolved.  


so, try reboot your phone once and see if it works better now.  And if you are going  out today, try the phone in different area and see if you see any difference


Mayor / Maire

Are you new to Public Mobile and/or is this a new issue? I find coverage in South Surrey to generally be very good, but it's never guaranteed indoors. Public Mobile uses the Telus network, so if you've recently moved from Rogers/Fido/Chatr you may not be getting as good of signal penetration through buildings than you did with your previous provider. WiFi calling would be a great alternative, but as a budget carrier Public Mobile doesn't offer that. You could look at buying a signal booster system for your house, but it's not cheap.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Always - map says I have coverage. I’ll submit a ticket. Thank you for your help. 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thank you. Map says there is coverage. It’s just at my house I can’t get the phone to dial in or out! Restarting the phone didn’t work so far. Will submit ticket. Thanks for your help!!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Sometimes I don't get service and when I restart my iPhone, it works again. Also sometimes if your phone is exposed to cold weather for a long time, it might lose the signal. If it's a temporary issue, try restarting, otherwise, check the coverage map and file a ticket with SIMon. 

Mayor / Maire



Is it possible that your device is attempting to connect to US Networks, if you are close to the border at the time of these service issues?


To ensure this is not occurring, under your network connections remove the "auto" setting and manually choose Public Mobile as your network.

Mayor / Maire


I haven't experienced any issues when I'm in the South Surrey/white rock area. what's the make and model of the device? what area of South Surrey?

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Kokoeye403 wrote:


I don’t get any service in my neighborhood//home of South Surrey in BC. Is there a workaround? I’m a healthcare worker who is on call for hospitals. Thank you. 


It's temporary or always ? 

Check PM service coverage map for your location:

Mayor / Maire

@Kokoeye403 wrote:


I don’t get any service in my neighborhood//home of South Surrey in BC. Is there a workaround? I’m a healthcare worker who is on call for hospitals. Thank you. 


Is it always like that but it's fine everywhere else?  The only workaround is to have another phone number and  forward calls to that number but you have to do that when you have Public Mobile signal.  It could be a temp network problem but if it's always like that,  you need to try Rogers or Freedom.

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