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No internet connection

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Why when I'm outside my residence in my car for example is it saying I have no internet connection even though I have data. What do I do?


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

It never happened before 2 weeks ago

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Ok thankyou

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes data is turned on. Have Android A series. It just startwd happening in the last 2 weeks

Mayor / Maire

hi @Ramshackle10 do not have no internet everywhere outside of your home? You sure mobile data is on?? What phone do you have??  And internet ever work since joining?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

It happens everywhere

Mayor / Maire


I had the same random issue with my old carrier. I ended up resetting my Network Settings every time when it happens to reconnect data.

@Ramshackle10 wrote:

Why when I'm outside my residence in my car for example is it saying I have no internet connection even though I have data. What do I do?

Does this happen everywhere or only in some places?  Network conditions vary based on location.  You could try your SIM card in a different phone to see if a different one works slightly beter.  If it's a network issue, it could even be temporary, but if it's a matter of there not being enough network coverage at that location, it could take years for a new cell site to be installed.

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