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New phone number used for scams and potential minor calling. want it changed

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I keep receiving calls from people saying they receive calls from my phone number and one person keeps calling convinced this number is for someone else and they seem to be a minor. I am not comfortable using this phone number and want it changed.


I tried using your worthless good for nothing chat and it either keeps erroring out or just stops responding.


@Whocaresjustlet wrote:

I tried that but it's one of the things that just keeps erroring out. Maybe because I'm still on my first month? I'm using this as my secondary number and have a line from fido (Rogers) so i don't care about phone number being something i select.  

@Whocaresjustlet - if shouldn't matter if you just activated. Try logging in through incognito/private mode and see if that helps.

Again, may be something that just goes away soon anyway, these calls I mean.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Haven't been able to get to anything on either dash board or chat. I saw that option but I am not able to change my phone number using it 

@Whocaresjustlet wrote:

I tried that but it's one of the things that just keeps erroring out. Maybe because I'm still on my first month? I'm using this as my secondary number and have a line from fido (Rogers) so i don't care about phone number being something i select.  

@Whocaresjustlet  first month wont matter.  You can make change as many as 4 times a year

please try again using Incognito mode

if issue persists, please message support and have them to help:

**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply to you there

Mayor / Maire

@Whocaresjustlet - your number is being spoofed. Some people know how to call other people disguised as different numbers on caller ids. There is no harm, except for the annoyance. They should stop using your number eventually. 

Sure you can change your number, but spoofing can affect anyone. Go to My Account and change your number there if you like. You can 4 times every 30 days if you wish.

Who is CS_Comms? You can private message CS_Agent within your own private messages. See your envelope at the top right of your community page. But CS_Agent cannot do anything about spoofed calls. And they will likely just instruct you how to change your number in My Account if that is really what you want to do.

SEE here how to change number:


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

1. Change it online in your My Account. 
2. Keep in mind any number can be spoofed and will only last for a week or two. 
3. Don’t answer calls from numbers you dont recognize or set up DND to only accept calls from numbers that are in your contacts list. 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I tried that but it's one of the things that just keeps erroring out. Maybe because I'm still on my first month? I'm using this as my secondary number and have a line from fido (Rogers) so i don't care about phone number being something i select.  

Mayor / Maire

@Whocaresjustlet wrote:

I keep receiving calls from people saying they receive calls from my phone number and one person keeps calling convinced this number is for someone else and they seem to be a minor. I am not comfortable using this phone number and want it changed.


I tried using your worthless good for nothing chat and it either keeps erroring out or just stops responding. 

Login your self service account, and you can change phone number at "Profile" on "Account Info".


@Whocaresjustlet   the issue is Caller ID Spoofing.  It is not something carrier can stop , unfortunately

if you are willing to change number, Please login My Account , go to Profile page.  Click the Pencil beside My Phone number and then you can change it there


More info on Caller ID spoofing

For the one who keeps calling you back, just block his number

And again, not something carrier can do to stop.  I always say it is like lettermail.  People can put your address down as return address and you cannot stop it, neither Canada Post  😞 

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