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New activation, out going calls do not work

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hello I just ported from bell to public mobile


recieving calls works

outgoing calls do no work

internet works


Please advise next steps or could a mod check out my account?


@janos4591 Welcome aboard.  Which plan did you pick? No need to answer, just curious.

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thank you for your replay now everithyng is working,that was my fault i try to set up everithyng in the hurry so the time was not more than 10 menets.Happy to work everithyng out.Happy new member.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

When I switched over from Bell it took a couple of hours before my calling worked. I believe it was due to me transferring my number. A total restart of my phone seemed to help everything come together !

Outgoing calls not working?  That's a strange one because usually, is the other way around (incoming calls not working) if you've recently asked for a number to be ported in.  In those cases, incoming calls don't start working unitl the phone number transfer process has finished.

Not applicable

@janos4591, how long has it been since you set up the account?  If it is more than a half hour, outgoing calls should work by now.  Usually it is the incomming calls that get delayed due to porting problems.  Just to be sure, did you restart your phone after activating the account?

If so, then I would send a private message to the moderators and ask for assistance.

Click here to send them a private message.  Include account number and PIN to speed things up.
You can find information regarding the moderators team by following this link.

Not applicable

you need send a private message to @Moderator_Team.


In your message put it, please include.

- your account number

- your phone number 

- your account PIN

- Detailed explanation of specific your issue

- them can help you a lot nice service Team


Good Luck

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