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New Plans $40?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I have the 8.5G for $50. So I just want to make sure this new one is the same but just with more data. Because I need unlimited text messaging in Canada and internationally. So all of that is the same right?

I think I saw something about pictures and videos for international on this new plan is that true? I also will not lose any of the add ones that I have not used correct?


thanks in advance


@maximum_gato- I did no such calculation. I was just throwing out example usage numbers. Truth be told...I was kinda hoping you would put some numbers to it 🙂 Thank you.

I examined my data usage similarly when I was choosing which plan I would get here when I started. Shoot a little higher than my previous high.

Mayor / Maire


How much do you call the US? The $10 you would save changing plans is equal to about 680 minutes of talk time based on the $0.015/min rate of the $15/1000min US calling add on. With the exception of 15 day US Roaming add ons all other add ons with public mobile are one time purchases that do not expire rather roll over every 30 days until completely consumed. So unless you call the US more than 11 hours each month it would be a better deal to have 6.5gb of extra data at 4G SPEED and pay $10 less each month and purchasing the US calling add on as needed.



Did you calculate the per minute rate of US calling correctly? 150 minutes=$2.25 and 75 minutes=$1.125 or rounded up $1.13.

The only part in question here is the talk. Texting is covered by all plans anyway.

Can you add up how many minutes you actually talk to numbers in the US? The account can go back 3 months. Maybe you keep everything on your phone. If you find a peak total minutes of maybe 150 minutes and maybe only get along with 75 minutes per month average then you might be able to justify the new plan losing US calling. Along with the more is merrier and the add-on ideas, you can also use voip apps like TextNow that also do talk and call the US unlimited. With a new larger bucket of data you could even use your data when away from wifi and not worry about it. Another option to think about.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I do have the calling to the US and I do communicate with the US so I think I need to stay with what I have. I also do lots of picture and texting with US people 




Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

so my plan had calling to the US on it 



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I have not done anything with the rewards. I have stayed with the rewards to have money taken off my bill is that what you are talking about.  So being able to call the US is important to me So i might have to stay with what I have 



Mayor / Maire


As long as I have been here all plans $50 and up included US calling. (When the bf activated in August 2019 the $50/8.5gb plan included US calling.) It was only dropped from plans $50 and up last year. (In June 2022 if I recall correctly?) It may have been @dabr that pointed it out?



Unless you make a significant amount of calls to the US the loss of US calling is more than made up for by the extra data and the "4G" data speed (up to 100mbps). You likely have the "more is merrier" 500/400min international calling add on gifts on your account that can be used to call the US and the option to purchase the $15/1000min US calling add on that at $0.015/min certainly won't break the bank.

@hTideGnow- The user has been here since 2018 and has participated along the way. Scroll through all the announcements and you'll find the mentions of these kinds of plans. But the OP hasn't yet confirmed if they have the plan with US calling.

There was even the build your own plan that offered US calling once upon a time.

HI @dust2dust 


really?   then it must the older plan.

Those order early 2022 (or late 2021?) are $60 and $70 for US callings included

@hTideGnow- No, there was a $50 plan that included US calling.


@BKNS27- I think you mean texting from outside of Canada other than roaming.

HI@BKNS27   no calling texting to US for $50 plan


The one they offered briefly was $60 and $70


so, @Sherbert  go ahead and change to $40 or even $45 plan, you have a better deal there


Mayor / Maire


What are the details of the old $50 plan?

Did it include calling texting to USA?

New plans doesn’t have international texting, texting only within Canada.

If you switch, you will lose what is on your current plan compared with the new plan.

If you are OK with that, you can switch and you won’t lose all your existing rewards.

Mayor / Maire





All add-on with exception of the 15 Day US roaming add-ons, will stay no matter which plan you select. Just don't EVER opt outta Rewards in favour of Points.

Mayor / Maire

Is that the old plan that included calling the US? If so you would lose that. But there's an add-on for that.


@Sherbert , all correct.  If you make the plan change you will get more data and save money.  All else does not change.  Make sure to have the change take place on the next renewal so you don't lose the remainder of the current plan cycle.

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