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Need help with my subscription

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I’ve changed my subscription (renewal on Jan 05) to a new one (I remember it’s 5G speed for 60GB, which is oddly no longer seen on the site). It was confirmed.

However now I’ve just found out the system did not auto renew my subscription, but charged the difference and out towards credits (available funds). 

Would someone advise me what to do? System error or I thought they could honour me the subscription I’ve signed up for? 



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

It seems it was a system error DURING the renewal day/hours. Under my plans, it was showing confusing messages during that (renewal) switch time priod.

Despite of all the wrong messages, it’s all sorted out ok on its own in the end.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks for the tips. I changed the subscription about two weeks prior to the supposed renewal date.

it seems that was just an system error during the renewal day (hour). Under my plan it was showing different plans/messages. It’s got sorted out on its own in the end. 

Mayor / Maire

@insitepm1   Did you select change on renewal when you changed your subscription?  It's best to do this at minimum a few days before your renewal date so as not to get in the middle of the renewal process.  Avoid trying to change on the actual renewal day (or the day before the date stated).  You can contact customer service to see what they can do by sending a private message using this link.  Watch the envelope icon top right for an agent's reply, if you don't see an envelope icon then tap your avatar to the right of the bell icon and you will see Messages. 

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@insitepm1: When changing your subscription on renewal day, I would say from personal experience to give it a couple more hours for the system to apply the new plan and don't try to do any changes to the plan again during that time window. The account might not show the new plan exactly at midnight but a couple of hours later. One other thing is that when you view your account the next morning please logout and login after doing a cache refresh or using a private browser window.

Private browsing Chrome:

Private browsing Firefox:

As for your billing cycle moving one day, I've also noticed this and I think this is due to the fact that the new plan applies one day prior to the normal renewal date. For example if you had the billing date on January 06th (with your old plan), the new plan applies on January 05th (if you've signed up for activate on renewal) and then your billing cycle resets to start from January 05th. I don't know the exact reason for this but that's what I've noticed as well.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

system changed my billing cycle from

Dec 05 - Jan 04

to Dec 06-Jan 05

now it’s ending in a day

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Also it appears the system moved my billing cycle also.

now it shows Dec06-Jan05 which means it’s ending

for the record my previous subscription was $25 for 5GB at 3G 


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