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Name Display for Outgoing Calls

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I have a friend that's with Public Mobile that has outgoing name display for when she calls people (comes up as her business name even if she isn't stored in their contacts list) and wanted to figure out how to set that for my phone. Thanks!


@xmvnn wrote:

that's correct. no i am not, but it seems that I may need to look at another provider that can do outbound name display or look at registering my number somewhere if possible for caller ID name display when calling people

There isn't any universal way that is officially supported by Public Mobile.  The databases that have this business name in are ran by third party companies.  In addition, not all phones use software that checks these databases.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

that's correct. no i am not, but it seems that I may need to look at another provider that can do outbound name display or look at registering my number somewhere if possible for caller ID name display when calling people

So you don't have her name in your contacts but you see her name when she calls you? Are you subscribed to a service that identifies numbers?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Yes but so do I. She told me things changed when she tried helping me change it myself. She's not in my personal or work phone's contact list and it still comes up for her



First PM only send phone number and not name, so, your friend needs to setup a record on your contacts  on your device for it to show her name when she calls you

also, some devices partner with name display lookup services , like Samsung partners with Hiya, some people download Caller ID lookkup app like TrueCaller, she might want to check with them to see how she can add her name onto their database (some might take business name only )

Mayor / Maire

Recipients of hers (how many, one?)  is using a service that has her number in their database. I don't know if there's a way to get yours added to that database.

Mayor / Maire

Does she have her account in a business name?

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