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Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hello Community

I started with PM on April 6 and since then my phone hasn't been working until today when an agent finally made a recommendation to get a new eSIM card. That finally fixed the issues ( no incoming or outgoing texts, calls, data) and my phone is working again as of today April 29. 

I'd like to get reimbursed for the lost time without use of my phone. How do I go about this? Who do I ask? The technical person from Telus who just called me said I need to ask the Community. 

Thank you for considering


Mayor / Maire

hi @FredCoco 

support agent can probably do something.  I believe you had a ticket opened with them for the problem you experienced from the beginning.  I would use the same message, reply them say thanks and tell them if took them good 3 weeks to get that all fixed, they should give you a free month back for the headache.  Use the same message (same ticket #) for them to better understand the issue

Mayor / Maire

@FredCoco   wow, that's a long time! Sorry but glad it's fixed now.

Community does not have access to your account and cannot provide refund. Use the chatbot to create a ticket and ask of public mobile directly. 

If it doesn't work use the below link instead.

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