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My friend did not receive their refer a friend reward

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I've read community posts suggesting a friend has to sign up for at least a $25/month plan for you to get the refer a friend reward. Where does it state that anywhere in the refer a friend descriptions/details on the we site? That was never mentioned in anything I read before signing up. I believe I got the $10 off my sign up, but the friend that referred me has not been receiving the $1 off reward. I signed up 1.5 months ago.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


My friend opened a ticket today. She is a new customer as of Sep 03, 2021.


Well that's weird after opening a ticket to have it applied. This appears to be a new glitch in the last month. Have your friend open a ticket to have the CSA open a tech team ticket to look into whether this is an individual account issue or a sporadic one across certain accounts. Is your friend a relatively new customer?



Does this need to be escalated as a new glitch to be examined by pm? There have been several reports of this happening but this being the first of either the CSA not applying it or it not working when they did apply it?

@OscarFitch   that is interesting.  I think we usually see both not received and not a lot that only the referrer received but not the referee.  But you have a ticket opened, and PM usually apply it back without issue


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Well... Double checking on this again, the $10 credit never was applied. I just replied to CS_Agent about it. My friend got their $1 reward setup for referring me at least. The same has happened it seems to another person my friend referred. Sigh.


Thanks for clearing that it all makes sense and can understand why I had assumed an error had been made with the referral code. Enjoy your $10 bonus referral credit. Happy to hear everything is all sorted out now.

Not applicable


your plan is $15 - $2 AutoPay Reward for frist singup - $2 AutoPay Reward = $11 plus tax

next month your plan is $15 - $2 AutoPay Reward - $10 Referral friend one-time credit

= $3 plus tax,

every month when you see say Automatic Top-Up that amount plus tax but tax is not show in here only at your credit card.


*and you will receive a one-time credit of $10..,,they will applied within 72hr,,,and check it out within 7day if not see at at Available Funds:$10 , keep that Messages from CSA, and reply back,



when your data limit used all, is will be off until next renewal cycle,

at public mobile 30 day Prepaid Service No fees extra charges,

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen



Just to close the loop on this...

I think I mistook a transaction history entry of $10 that I saw early on when I first signed up. That was before I realized how the transaction reporting is done. You can see from my transactions that there was no $10 reward:


The PM CS_Agent that helped did mention getting the $10 reward along with my friend who referred me getting the $1 referral reward going forward.


Anyway, I think we are all on the same page now and this is squared away.

Thanks for the help.

@darlicious wrote:


Well I'm curious how you got the $10 bonus referral credit if the referral code was never added to your account? That was the assumption....if you got the credit then something was entered. Bonus referral credits just don't appear in one's account. Did the CSA clarify that there was no referral code or the wrong referral code on your account? Entering your friend's code should then technically add a second $10 bonus referral credit to your account in the next 72 hours.

Hmm...yes that is curious.  Originally my thought was that a wrong referral code would have given OP his $10 credit but its seem from his response that wasn't the case. 




Well I'm curious how you got the $10 bonus referral credit if the referral code was never added to your account? That was the assumption....if you got the credit then something was entered. Bonus referral credits just don't appear in one's account. Did the CSA clarify that there was no referral code or the wrong referral code on your account? Entering your friend's code should then technically add a second $10 bonus referral credit to your account in the next 72 hours.

@OscarFitch   Sounds like there was some confusion with a promo that PM offers from time to time to get additional RAF reward (which can come with plan restrictions) on top of the regular $10 RAF rewards.  It can get confusing...


Anyway, thanks for updating your thread and glad it's all sorted.

@OscarFitch wrote:

@Anonymous  , chances are zero.


@Anonymous , @hTideGnow , @ShawnC13 @dabr , @Anonymous ...

Unfortunately the first post/thread I read about missing refer-a-friend rewards was a bad one to read. It explicitly talks about the person being referred having to sign up for at least a $25 minimum plan. You can read that post/thread here: Solved: Refer-a-friend promo reward not applied - Community (


The post you refer to was for a short-lived promo that was offered a couple of years ago.

Currently, a new customer (using a referal code) would get the $10 credit while the referring customer would get the Refer-a-Friend Reward of $1 off every long as new customer stays with PM on any currently offered plans.

Not applicable

 @OscarFitch : Chances are 100%. That was a promo for an _extra_ $10 on top of the regular $10 reward. But yes the condition to get it required activating at least a $25 or higher plan.


But didn't you say you got the $10?


Anyway...glad it's all sorted for you.

@OscarFitch wrote:

learn to enter CS_Agent as the Send To user when sending a new private message. How else would one know to do that without help from the community?

A simple Reply won't automatically populate "CS_Agent" there?


Anyway, glad it is all taken care of and now "You are richer than you think"  🙂

Not applicable


glad to hear that and CS_Agent resolved your issue,


enjoy your service...

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@Anonymous  , chances are zero.


@Anonymous , @hTideGnow , @ShawnC13 @dabr , @Anonymous ...

Unfortunately the first post/thread I read about missing refer-a-friend rewards was a bad one to read. It explicitly talks about the person being referred having to sign up for at least a $25 minimum plan. You can read that post/thread here: Solved: Refer-a-friend promo reward not applied - Community (


Anyway, a private message to CS_Agent helped me resolved the issue. A friend code never was applied. It is fixed now.


Thanks to those that suggested how to private message PM. I'll mark one as the Accepted Solution. Not sure, but I assume the process is to ask the community first and wait for someone there to give you a link or tell you how to contact an actual PM support agent. If that truly is the case, it is unfortunate to have to swim through the weeds to get there. Seems odd that I needed to learn to enter CS_Agent as the Send To user when sending a new private message. How else would one know to do that without help from the community?

Not applicable

 @OscarFitch : What are the chances you may have confused the $25 with the old promos of $25 credit? Not $25 plan?

@OscarFitch  No worry, PM should be able to add it back without issue. 

Come back and give us the good news after


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@darlicious , this is not helpful. They don't see the $1 refer a friend reward - that is the whole reason for this support thread I started. No mistake was made with the friend code - we did this together on the same computer using copy and paste. Assuming user error is not helpful.


I have started a ticket to resolve this.

Mayor / Maire


Contact your friend and confirm that they either see or don't see $1 in their refer a friend reward on their rewards page in their self serve account and the last 4 digits of your phone number listed in the referral column. If they do not see it listed then you made an error when entering the referral code and happened to have used someone else's referral code by chance.


Ask you friend for their referral code again. Be careful to ensure none of the letters or digits have mixed up. This includes one and "I", two and "Z", five and "S" and zero and "O". Contact customer support and ask if they can add your friend's correct referral code. If Simple--Simon still gives you trouble then send a private message and include the correct referral code with your message.



Send a private message...   Contact the CSA's (formerly moderators) by sending a private message and leave a detailed message explaining your issue and the info to verify your account by including the following information:  


  1. Full name and address on pm account. ( Or province and postal code for newer accounts.)
  2. Email, phone # and pin #.


If  you cannot remember your pin # include at least three ( if they apply)of the following:


  1.  Date of birth (n/a on newer accounts.)
  2. Last payment, date, amount, type and last 4 digits.
  3. Alternate phone number if any.
  4. Security question and answer.
  5. Plan amount, any add ons or promos on account.
  6. Last 4 digits of sim card.
  7. Any rewards in your account.
  8. Autopay y/n?
  9. Account #.
  10. Frequently called/texted phone numbers in the last 30 days.  


The average wait time is 2 to 4 hours but be prepared to wait up to 48 hours for non urgent requests. Current wait times are about one hour and are probably even less as I have had some very quick responses in tne past week.


Keep an eye on your private message box the envelope icon next to your avatar for a little number to pop indicating a message from the CSA's (formerly moderators.) Responding promptly will speed up service times.


 Do not post any of this info in the community only in your private messages when communicating or contacting the CSA/Moderator_Team.


  To send a private message to the CSA's (formerly moderators) click below


@OscarFitch wrote:

@hTideGnow , the automated help bot was only useful to the point it pushed me to the Community site. I created an account there (obviously, as I am using it now to write this), but was left alone to figure out how to submit a ticket.

@OscarFitch   Not sure if they ever have that rule ($25 and abov).. but ASAIK, it is now any plan will get the referral.


Also yes, chatbot is funny and you need to know what to do. You followed what I suggested to open ticket yet?  



You can use the chatbot and follow this to get to ticket open screen quicker:

  1. Type: My rewards are missing
  2. It will give you some options click on  Refer A Friend
  3. Then click "Contact Us" , and then click "Click here to submit a ticket"
  4. you will then direct to another page to open ticket.

    After ticket is submitted, make sure to check your Community Inbox(top right corner envelope icon) periodically for response from PM's CS Agent


Not applicable

@OscarFitch wrote:

@Anonymous, I entered the refer-a-friend code properly. I got the $10 off on signup fine (as a credit for the next moth). My friend that referred me has not been receiving the $1 off/month reward. I may follow your advice to submit a ticket. The automated help bot was only useful to the point it pushed me to the Community site. I created an account there (obviously, as I am using it now to write this), but was left alone to figure out how to submit a ticket. Not at all obvious from the Community site. So, I searched and found all that info about the referred person needing to signup for at least a $25 plan - there are multiple posts about that. Maybe rules have changed since those posts.


There is no minimum plan amount for Friends Referral all plan will getting that.

and the system something make a mistake and fail but you need to contact to them by CSA they will check it for you and if is not there in system the will Add for you,

but if you can't Submit a Ticket is fine send a private message to CSA, is it a same for Submit a Ticket,


you can send a private message to Customer Support Agent by CS_Agent, by Click Here link,


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@hTideGnow , the automated help bot was only useful to the point it pushed me to the Community site. I created an account there (obviously, as I am using it now to write this), but was left alone to figure out how to submit a ticket. Not at all obvious from the Community site. So, I searched and found all that info about the referred person needing to signup for at least a $25 plan - there are multiple posts about that. Maybe rules have changed since those posts.


Also, the help bot is only setup to allow the friend who got referred to proceed as I did. The person referring a friend gets not help from the help bot. Very strange.

@OscarFitch   The information on having to activate $25 plan in order to qualify for the RAF rewards is incorrect and has never (to my knowledge) been in place. 


Send a private message via the envelope icon top right to CS_Agent if the chatbot is giving you problems.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@Triguy , nice concise answer - thanks. I may give that a try. Please note that the chatbot was the approach that lead me to the Community pages to begin with. The bot was only useful to the point it pushed me to the Community site. I created an account there (obviously, as I am using it now to write this), but was left alone to figure out how to submit a ticket. Not at all obvious from the Community site. So, I searched and found all that info about the referred person needing to signup for at least a $25 plan - there are multiple posts about that. Maybe rules have changed since those posts.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@Anonymous, I entered the refer-a-friend code properly. I got the $10 off on signup fine (as a credit for the next moth). My friend that referred me has not been receiving the $1 off/month reward. I may follow your advice to submit a ticket. The automated help bot was only useful to the point it pushed me to the Community site. I created an account there (obviously, as I am using it now to write this), but was left alone to figure out how to submit a ticket. Not at all obvious from the Community site. So, I searched and found all that info about the referred person needing to signup for at least a $25 plan - there are multiple posts about that. Maybe rules have changed since those posts.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@ShawnC13 , Correct

Mayor / Maire

@OscarFitch wrote:

I've read community posts suggesting a friend has to sign up for at least a $25/month plan for you to get the refer a friend reward. Where does it state that anywhere in the refer a friend descriptions/details on the we site. That was never mentioned. I believe I got the $10 off my sign up, but the friend that referred me has not been receiving the $1 off reward. I signed up 1.5 months ago.

@OscarFitch   As mentioned by @hTideGnow  all newly activated plans qualify for the RAF rewards. 


It's possible that you added one wrong letter/digit (some letters/numbers can be confused, i,e., 0/O)  from your friend's code and perhaps that referrer credit has gone to someone else and the only way to rectify it is to have customer support sort it out.  It could also be a glitch in the system.  Either way, you need to submit a ticket/message to have it sorted.  Good luck.


@OscarFitch wrote:

I've read community posts suggesting a friend has to sign up for at least a $25/month plan for you to get the refer a friend reward. Where does it state that anywhere in the refer a friend descriptions/details on the we site. That was never mentioned. I believe I got the $10 off my sign up, but the friend that referred me has not been receiving the $1 off reward. I signed up 1.5 months ago.

There is no minimum plan required.  When you say you got  $10 off your sign up you mean you received a credit after you registered correct not when you actually signed up



I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

Mayor / Maire

@OscarFitch   There is no minimum plan amount for Friends Referral.  $15 plan is perfectly fine


Also, if you got the $10, your friend who referred you should get the $1 without issue.  Please have him to check his Self-Serve My Account as well (  If he expand the list "Total Rewards earned", he should see the last 4 digits of your phone number there.


If he does not see your number there, please check with PM .  Usually it is the one who got referred open this missing reward ticket.


You can use the chatbot and follow this to get to ticket open screen quicker:

  1. Type: My rewards are missing
  2. It will give you some options click on  Refer A Friend
  3. Then click "Contact Us" , and then click "Click here to submit a ticket"
  4. you will then direct to another page to open ticket.

    After ticket is submitted, make sure to check your Community Inbox(top right corner envelope icon) periodically for response from PM's CS Agent



Mayor / Maire

You would need to submit a ticket.

Here’s when and how to contact our Customer Support Agents:

  • Get help with your account the easy way by starting a conversation with our virtual assistant, SIMon. It’ll take you to relevant help articles, or if it’s something more urgent, it can help you submit a ticket to our Agents. Click here to get started.
  • Alternatively, you can send a private message to our Agents by clicking here. You’ll need to be logged in to your Community account for the link to work.
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