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My email never changed, now public mobile says its invalid

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I am blocked out of my account, how can public mobile say my email is invalid!! Its never changed, I AM BLOCKED OUT OF MY ACCOUNT SINCE THIS NEW UPDATE WITH PUBLIC MOBILE. THISIS SHAMEFUL!!!




are you using the same email you have been using on My Account for this Gii user account?

PM has updated the My Account login system and some customers are having issue setting up the new access to My Account.  Please open ticket with PM support using your current Community nickname Gii:


             Click "Yes, I'm a customer", then click "Sign In", once signed in, ignore the choices and type "Contact agent"
              Then click "Contact Us", and click "My Account".  Finally click "Click here to submit a ticket ↗ " and you can open the ticket
2. Or if you have trouble with Chatbot, Private message CS agent at 
**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply to you there

Mayor / Maire


try using a laptop and use incognito mode to log in to your account...see if that helps.

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