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Data add-ons expire after 30 days.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Before Data was not expiring, now we can see that you say "Data add-ons expire after 30 days.", I would like to understant why this is the case? I can understand in the case of buying milk; this can expire but Data does not expire. I'm a longtime loyal client I've invited all my friends and family to switch to public mobile (some of them did), now I see that you've changed. For people who want to keep what they buy, because they don't use it, now we lose it artificially. in my opinion there is no need for data to expire besides pushing us to buy more.


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

nothing wrong with making a profit, the problem is why it was the way it was before and now it changed, data shound never expire they spend nothing on there side to make us pay more for it, that is greed. if it was justefied like "milk" it has to be stored cared fore and so on ...., I will have no problem paying for it.


i think ab was talking about when PM first started, so it was a startup

and nothing wrong with the "greed" you are talking about.  It is a business. you think it is charity?  What is the problem with people paying the "fair" share for the service you use?

@slusagm wrote:

@abtest  unfortunately all startup businesses are like that as they need your accounts, then they will either get big and going "mainstream" or fold and out of business

PM is not start up business. Just a branch of well established mobile company.

But greed is very strong motivation to change from better to worse.

@abtest  unfortunately all startup businesses are like that as they need your accounts, then they will either get big and going "mainstream" or fold and out of business

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Way back, Public Mobile treated customer well.  Now, it is just like all the others.

@Tacoma87 wrote:

Yeah I don't think just asking is enough 🙂

Many asked, many threatened to complain to federal gov't, a few even tapped out and went to competition. What did Public Mobile do in response ?...they changed the old Rewards program to much worse points program instead. We all complained but can see where that got us. I guess we each have to settle on a cell provider that we can tolerate until things change.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Yeah I don't think just asking is enough 🙂

Mayor / Maire


we all agree ...BUT... PM has decided to time limit the data add-on and they have stuck with it even though we all groused about it when they first changed to the 30 days expiry.

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