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Money in my account but not doing anything.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Months ago now, maybe a year, I put in a $25 voucher and came to the website, and saw multiple people saying it would renew next month. It never did, and I continued putting $25 cards in every month. Every time I put in a new one (worth $25 every time), it says my account balance is $50, which clearly means my money went through all those months ago, but every month after using the $25 my account deactivates, despite there being a balance. 

So, my question is, am I ever going to either get my money back or have it used to my account? I tried to open a ticket but it needs the pin, so I can't even have customer service contact me without a ticket. I don't have the voucher anymore because I threw it out (because it successfully put money in, and told me so, I didn't expect to need it). 


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes, I was talking about a voucher pin. I managed to get a ticket in by typing a voucher pin of "11111111111111" (perhaps not the best thing to do, but I really couldn't find a way around it and figured I could explain when someone got back to me) and got a response. The link you sent didn't seem to bring me to a page with any text boxes, though. But thank you for the help!

Mayor / Maire

@thermosquid  The link I gave to private message support is pre-addressed to customer service.  You just need to type in a topic title, then explain your problem in the text box and hit send.

So you're talking about a voucher pin and not your account pin?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Sorry, that link is bringing me to private messages, but I have no idea how to send one from there.

And I am logged into my account, but I have no idea where I would find a pin from a voucher. Going to "payment history" shows my last two payments, but doesn't show me their pins or anything. On top of that, apparently it only shows payments from the last 180 days and, as I mentioned, this particular voucher was from about a year ago.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

No, as I mentioned, I use payment vouchers which I purchase with cash. But thank you for the response, this advice will probably be helpful for someone in this situation. 

@thermosquid   If you can't submit a ticket via the chat icon then send a private message to customer service using this link 

An agent will reply at the envelope icon top right of this page, or tap your avatar for Messages if no envelope.  Are you not able to log in to your account?  It should list the pin there.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

How do I get around the lack of pin? It won't move onto the next page without a pin. It also offers the option to type "N/A" if using an eSIM (which I'm not) but it also won't let me type anything except numbers, so that's not working either. 

Mayor / Maire

Did you thoroughly check your credit card for exact charge?

Funds on account should be used first then credit card charged.

If that is not the case open a ticket with agent to inquire why funds from account are not used first.

Mayor / Maire

HI @thermosquid 

did it show the same thing if you login via Incognito/private/secret mode on your browser?


Mayor / Maire

@thermosquid  You can open a ticket via the chat/message  icon bottom right of this page, they  have ways to get around the lack of a pin (which should be noted in your account?) but it means more identifying questions.

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