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Missing referrals

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi, I had a total of 15 referrals and I just noticed that when I was switched to the new 'Public Points'  program my referrals have gone down to 11. I never opted for this new points program... Was everyone opted-in automatically?

I'm just wondering why my 15 referrals not being transfered to the new program? It is showing '0' points. What happens to my monthly discount from these referrals? I am so confused about this transition and what happened to my 15 referrals. Also none of my referrals unsubsribed, so why am I suddenly missing 4 referrals and not seeing them in the new 'Public Points'? This all happened when I was automatically opted-in to the new program.

Is anyone else having issues with this? I'm a long time customer and I've never had any issues with Public Mobile. So this is all very confusing and disappointing.

Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks.



Customer Support Agent

Hello there, and thanks for visiting our community forum.

The community is a great way of searching for answers and help from our customers, however if you still need assistance, and you have reached out through a private message, we kindly ask to keep an eye on your community inbox.

Our customer support team will get in touch as soon as possible.
Public Mobile Team.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks softech! I'll take your advice and just wait and see for the next renewal date.


yes, your friend referrals are the same (unless some of your referrals left)

but as said, you won't see the friend referrals until you see the actuall referral points added to your account within 48 hours after your renewal. So, please check with again after renewal


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks turtleTurtle... That may be the issue. I will wait and see then.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

It is possible that some are outside the time range of the graph. And the 2 new referrals might not have registered on the graph yet?

Now you are saying you have 0 points. So I am assuming that your subscription has not renewed yet, right? You only earn points after your subscription renews (after you pay). So I would say you need to wait for your subscription to renew and see how many points you get.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you for your reply softech. The new 'Public Points' are showing that I have '0' points. The graph underneath show 11 past referrals, but my monthly statements had been showing I had 13 a steady referrals and just recently added 2 more for a total of 15 referrals. I just don't understand where they went, because no one unsubscribed. I'm just wondering if I will still get the montly discount from my previous referrals and where the 4 missing referrals have gone when they switched to Public Points.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks for your message hTideGnow. .The new 'Public Points' are showing that I have '0' points. The graph underneath show 11 past referrals, but my monthly statements had been showing I had 13 a steady referrals and just recently added 2 more for a total of 15 referrals. I just don't understand where they went, because no one unsubscribed. I'm just wondering if I will still get the montly discount from my previous referrals and where the 4 missing referrals have gone when they switched to Public Points.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

The new 'Public Points' are showing that I have '0' points. The graph underneath show 11 past referrals, but my monthly statements had been showing I had 13 a steady referrals and just recently added 2 more for a total of 15 referrals. I just don't understand where they went, because no one unsubscribed. I'm just wondering if I will still get the montly discount from my previous referrals and where the 4 missing referrals have gone when they switched to Public Points.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

You earn your referrals after your subscription renews. Where are you seeing that it is down to 11?

Has your subscription renewed on the new points system yet?

Mayor / Maire


the referrals are there but not easy to track like before. The My Referrals page on My Account will just show the new referral you got in the last couple months, but those you referred before still there.  You just need to wait for after your own renewal, PM will add the friend referrals point to your account and you will see them



your referrals are still there, just that it is not showing like before

After moving to Public Points, the referrals will no longer be showing in a list like before.  There is no way on the Rewards portal to confirm how many you currently have and who are they anymore.   
Instead, you can only tell how many referrals you have when PM deposits the referrals points into your Rewards account after your renewal (within 48 hours).  

PM is aware the demand to see the full list like before when subscribers were on the legacy system and they are working on a solution.   But there is no ETA at the moment.

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