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Long distance add-on "unknown usage"

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Good day @CS_Agent,

I just noticed there is a usage of 14 minutes from my 200min long distance add-on; however, I have not travelled outside of my home province nor have I called a "long distance" phone number.  Can someone please show me where to see the records (date, time and the numbers dialed) so I can verify it? Thanks!


@mli wrote:

Thank you for the suggestion to contact moderator team.  They had to raise a technical ticket and found what went wrong, at the end they credited the minutes back. Took a while but issue resolved!

Thanks for checking in and letting us know!


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you for the suggestion to contact moderator team.  They had to raise a technical ticket and found what went wrong, at the end they credited the minutes back. Took a while but issue resolved!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

This is a good one but not in my case. I haven't dialed new area codes either. 

Thanks tho!

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

What was the area code of the numbers you were calling?  There have also been some issues with the new 437 area code.  Some have been charged long distance (or unable to call - if they didn't have long distance minutes), even though it's a Toronto area code.

Looks like I'm quite slow - I was editing my reply while you answered. 😉


Another option to check is whether you were close to a provincial boarder at when making calls and your phone connected to a tower on the other side?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks, I did that before posting then realized my question wasn't clear.  I went through the list and as I remembered, I didn't make long distance calls, but there's 14 minutes of usage.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

By the way, I went through the usage/ dialing history and there's no calling of long distance numbers.


Mayor / Maire

Click the tab "usage history" under plans & add-ons in your self serve account.


Edit: Are you in the GTA? There was a wide spread glitch a couple of weeks back (around Remembrance Day?) which involved issues with long distance calling. If it shows that way in you usage history you should contact the moderator team (= PM employees) and have them look into it.


Use this link to send a private message to the @Moderator_Team, include all relevant information in your message, such as account number, phone number, detailed problem description.

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