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Large data add ons?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I'm on a camping trip and want to buy a data pack for 5-10GB of extra data. However on the add ons page I can only buy data packs in 1GB increments for $15 each. Is there a way to get more data at a better rate?


Mayor / Maire

Prob the most cost effective route, if you camp outside Canada you will definitely want to get a local prepaid data setup especially if you will be using as much data 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thank you for the super quick and detailed replies. Looks like I missed the renewal window, but switching to another plan looks like a good option regardless!

Mayor / Maire


When is your next renewal? If it's soon and you can squeak out your remaining data until then schedule a change plan on next renewal. If you cannot wait that long when you are near the end of your data log in and top up your account balance with the funds for your desired plan with enough data to see you thru the next 30 days. When you have less than 100mb left purchase your new plan by choosing change plan immediately. Your new plan will start immediately. You forfeit the remaining time, minutes etc.... of your current plan and any rewards or points will be earned at the end of your new 30 day cycle.


Then put that phone have a wood run to do, find the perfect marshmallow roasting sticks, build the fire, heat water for the dishes, make dinner, fix the tarp that's dripping on the picnic table, inflate the air mattress with the slow leak, put the food in the bear cache, rotate the warm beer with the cold beer, find the extra batteries oh and don't forget the nature hike you promised you would go on.....who has time for their phone?🍢🔥🌭





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@silversurfer no large data add on here.  Why not up your plan to higher price one with more data?  it is cheaper that way 


But check the coverage map first and make sure there is data there.

Mayor / Maire

@silversurfer  - that is the 'best deal' for data addon options.


You could change your plan to a higher data one, if you are not in a grandfathered plan that you don't want to lose, that is. The highest data plan available right now is the $70 one




If you add funds to your account, and CHANGE PLAN NOW, the plan will start when you choose this option. But, know that the cycle you are currently in will not get the $s you already paid prorated back to you.



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