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Just got 5G Plan but only getting LTE/LTE+ (fold5)

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hello. I just transferred number to Public 5G plan and walked around outside but was only getting LTE or LTE+ showing up on network bar on top of my cellphone, and 5G doesnt show up. I literally bought my new phone that came out less than a month ago that supports 5G (fold5). Any help appreciated because in the plan profile, I do have 5G plan.


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi there,

I had the same issue and was able to resolve it.  I have an Iphone 13 pro in case anyone is wondering. These are some of the solutions that seemed to work for some people, but the first one was the one that fixed it for me. Try the following:

1. Make sure you have the LATEST software from update. (This resolved the issue for me. I was only able to see LTE and 3G in the cellular data --> Voice & Data.

2. Turn on the plane mode and then turn off to reset the network. And also turn off your phone and wait for 1 mina and turn it back on.

3. Remove the sim card from the sim slot and put it back again.


Run a speedtest to see your network speed. Sometimes even though the phone shows LTE but you can get way over 100 MB/s. I have gotten 150-180 MB/s with LTE. 

Also note that you might not get 5G all the time if the 5G tower coverage is not nearby. Your phone will automatically detect and connect to the fastest network. I get 5G in the city, but usually get LTE when I am near the mountains or rural areas. Hopefully this help you and others with the same issue.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@omegaliner Did you check your device under networks to determine if 5g is your preferred network? Is your device fully charged, I noticed that when my phone is on Battery Saver it changes the network to LTE. You might want to try resetting your device and see if that fixes the issue. It could also be network congestion and that may be the reason why it is showing LTE.  Hope this helps! 🙂

Mayor / Maire

Telus seem to be being a little ornery on and perhaps in cahoots with Samsung. Or Samsung is being forced to comply. There seem to be some shenanigans going on forcing some compliance with limited devices. Telus seems to have opted for closed proprietary methods of phone functionality.
The 5G indicator will only show up top when you turn on cell data. The phone will otherwise remain on LTE just like it does for all other phones that have LTE.


I am a little puzzled by the thirst for the increase in speed when 4G speed plans are plenty fast.  It is possible to get the throttled 5G speed plan performance on 4G/LTE.  For optimal network performance, it is always best to run the phone on 5G preferred.  

Mayor / Maire

Worry more about the speed of your connection rather than what network you're connected to. Even the 3G plans can connect to the 4G and 5G networks. Your plan just gives you higher speeds, which are also achievable on the 4G network. Run a speed test and see what you're getting.

And as others have noted, check the network settings on your phone to see if you have it set for 5G. And then see if you get 5G connections as you move about. Your phone will try and grab the strongest signal, and if that happens to be 4G, that's what you'd be seeing.

Mayor / Maire

Have you checked everything on this Samsung Galaxy page for enabling 5G on their phones? 

My iPhone switches between 5G and LTE depending where I am and what I am doing as I have it set to 5G auto instead of 5G always on but I don't know if Samsung has an equivalent.  I seem to remember that once I tried it on 5G always on and it was still LTE in one area, but it does show 5G other times. Presumably you have checked that there is 5G coverage in your area as Handy1 mentioned?  Check also if you are getting over 100 Mbps on a speed test which would mean you are still doing better than the 4G plans.  



Maybe observe the phone in different areas where you travel.  5G Network may not be the strongest signal in your local area.  

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

What are your speeds like?

Mayor / Maire

@omegaliner  Did you change your network preference to 5G and are you in a 5G coverage area ? Also note that being on 5G plan with phone network set to LTE will still get faster speeds then 100mbs of 4G plan being in 5G plan you can also check with a speed test 

Speed test

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