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Issue porting existing Speakout wireless number to PM

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

From a quick perusal of the search topics, it looks like this is a fairly common occurrence.


New, in store activation from a few days back which appears to be partially working but not completely ported from previous provider: Speakout wireless.


I am able to call out, phone displays desired phone number but unable to receive calls, or send/receive texts.


As well, my Speakout account shows that it is currently active with balance so that doesn't seem right.


Appreciate any help offered and thanks again!






@paulinecal wrote:

@mimmo I was literally just contacted (within moments of my last post) by a different mod than the first one (who I never heard from again) who explained that my request to port had been resubmitted and that it should be resolved within 48-72 hours--which seemed reasonable enough, but then inexplicably a further pm came in from that same second mod who then said he meant to say 48-72 business days(!?) which doesn't at all sound reasonable to me so I'll wait unti Monday and likely explore other options after that.


As I said, a teachable moment for me overall.



I wonder if that 48 to 72 business day reply to you was sent to you first and that the 48 to 72 hour messages was the correction.  That would make more sense because 48 to 72 hours would mean exactly 2 to 3 days.  If it was supposed to be days, why an apparently random number such as 48?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@mimmo agreed on both counts and appreciate your insights on this. Being a new customer (or trying to be at leastSmiley Tongue) and new to this "self-serve" based support, I have been reading through some of the FAQs, etc. and it was kind of challenging (at least to me) to determine how to set my expectations going into this engagement after unfortunately encountering this technical hurdle.





Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

I would message them and ask for clarification.  I think the hours was the correct term  not days  if it is days then definitely ask for explanation and possibly a refund ???

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@mimmo I was literally just contacted (within moments of my last post) by a different mod than the first one (who I never heard from again) who explained that my request to port had been resubmitted and that it should be resolved within 48-72 hours--which seemed reasonable enough, but then inexplicably a further pm came in from that same second mod who then said he meant to say 48-72 business days(!?) which doesn't at all sound reasonable to me so I'll wait unti Monday and likely explore other options after that.


As I said, a teachable moment for me overall.



Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@paulinecal mods are pretty good at resetting the start date for failed ports if not I would ask them. 


11 days does seem like a long time, a mod is working on it right?  Have they given you any updates on progress?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@wetcoaster understand that this problem is not unique to Public Mobile, but it's frustrating to be paying for a service that I am not actually able to use and have no real recourse other than to rely on *hoping* that there is someone actually able to respond to email to resolve.


I can appreciate that this model has a lot of strengths going for it under normal operating circumstances, but for these exceptions I find it a little lacking--given the lack of immediacy and transparency.


Ah well, a teachable moment for me and going on day 11 without any resolution in sight.



@paulinecal wrote:

I was contacted by a mod yesterday and am awaiting further assistance so we'll see how this plays out. If it doesn't happen soon I guess I'll look at Koodoo or another option.


Appreciate the insights from folks in this community.



I don't think this is a problem unique to Public Mobile - porting, while automated, can (partially) fail with any provider.

If SpeakOut (and PetroCan, I think) would actually have account numbers (which is the safest and most accurate way to identify your eligibility to access that account / phone number) there would be way less second guessing on part of a customer who is initiating the port and with that less chance for unintentional human error (been there, done that...). In this day and age account numbers should also be easily accessible for customers - looking at you, ChatR.


Just my two cents of course.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I was contacted by a mod yesterday and am awaiting further assistance so we'll see how this plays out. If it doesn't happen soon I guess I'll look at Koodoo or another option.


Appreciate the insights from folks in this community.



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks but I had already sent off my info via PM to the Mods prior to seeing your message and without my PM account/PIN info 😞


Ah well...hopefully I'll get this sorted before too long.





Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

Please  when you message the mods include your  speakout pin number and your account number (probably your  speakout tel number)


and include your pm pin number and account number for verifcation.


It depends....  Sometimes the moderator will have some extra questions for you to answer, while other times, moderator will just complete the port.  

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks @Dunkman--much appreciated! I have PM'd a Mod as per your suggestion.


Do you know if I will be contacted by the responding Mod or will it just "suddenly work" without contact?


Thanks again!





It looks like an incomplete port.  The port should have been completed by now.  You will need to contact moderator.  Expect 1-2 days wait for issues to be resolved.  


Here is instructions to contact moderator:

Recommendation:  do not send multiple message to moderators.  Each new message will put you further down the job list.  


Or just send a private message through the following link :

Please include in the private message your phone number, account number and PIN code.

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