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Incorrect Charge

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen



My plan is $105 for 90 days and I get the following deductions: $15 Loyalty, $6 Autopay


Yet for some reason I was just charged $113.83


This is the first time there's been a mistake on my bill. Please help!




Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hey all! Bringing up this old thread to post an update that I was just charged correctly for this month (with the $15 credit that was on my account). All is good. Let's hope there isn't a glitch again!

@katiefleming Thanks for the update. Again glad that we could help you. Have a great week.

@katiefleming wrote:

Hey guys, so just an update. The moderator told me it was a system glitch, and that I have $15 credit in my account (like you all mentioned). So next payment in 90 days should resolve it and hopefully we'll be good from there.


Thanks again for all the fast help 🙂


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hey guys, so just an update. The moderator told me it was a system glitch, and that I have $15 credit in my account (like you all mentioned). So next payment in 90 days should resolve it and hopefully we'll be good from there.


Thanks again for all the fast help 🙂

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you very much for taking your time to go through all the charges and calculations! Super helpful community. I will make a note to check the next time I'm billed to make sure it's correct. Cheers!



Looking at your screenshots what I see is this.


In October you had credit $6 for auto-pay and $15 for "Reconnaissance de Fidélité" bringing balance to $21 then your autopay kicked in to charge you $84 ($84×15% = $96.60 you said you were charged $96.58)


Now for January if you look at screenshot. You got your $6 autopay reward...then next charge was your automatic payment of $99 this time since at the time your balance was only $6 and not $21 like in you were charged $99 to bring balance to $105...


$99×15% = $113.85


Then next credit was $15 "Reconnaissance de Fidélité"


So that's the discrepancy in the charges...because the $15 credit was applied later after the autopayment already took place...


That is why you have a $15 balance left over to use for next renewal date.


If it all works out properly next time. It should be

$15 balance + $6 autopay + $15Reconnaissance de Fidélité = $36


$69 autopayment $69 × 15% = $79.35 charged to your credit card.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I will! Have a nice evening

You are welcome. Please post the moderators reply here. I'm interested in knowing why this happened @katiefleming . Thanks.

@katiefleming wrote:

Thank you very much for explaining this to me. I didn't know my account had a $15 credit. So if it all balances out next time it's not a huge deal but maybe the moderator will figure out why it happened this time.


You all have been very helpful thank you!


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you very much for explaining this to me. I didn't know my account had a $15 credit. So if it all balances out next time it's not a huge deal but maybe the moderator will figure out why it happened this time.


You all have been very helpful thank you!

@katiefleming wrote:

Thank you for your help. I just checked my old statement from the Oct 26th charge and it was $96.58 which is correct. I am in Quebec with 15% tax


I wonder why this time there was a mistake? I've been with PM for years never had an issue.


I sent a PM to the moderator team I hope it can be resolved soon. Thank you for the replies

@katiefleming  According to your screenshot, it does appear that the loyalty rewards were applied, so not quite sure where the discrepancy is.  Hopefully, the moderators will be able to explain and correct any errors.  Good luck!

The $15 Is still on your account @katiefleming .  It may be easier to use it to pay for next month's bill than to demand a refund. Sorry that this happened to you. 

@katiefleming wrote:

Thank you for your help. I just checked my old statement from the Oct 26th charge and it was $96.58 which is correct. I am in Quebec with 15% tax


I wonder why this time there was a mistake? I've been with PM for years never had an issue.


I sent a PM to the moderator team I hope it can be resolved soon. Thank you for the replies


@katiefleming  The Loyalty was applied after the top-up. So now you have a $15 credit in your account. On your next renewal that credit will get applied first and everything will balance out because your next top-up will be decreased by $30.00. 


$99.00 - $30.00  = $66.00 plus tax.

@katiefleming Something did not process normally, however you do have a balance of $15 in Available Funds which means your net cost is $99-$15 = $84; the same as last time except for taxes on $15. In theory, you should be charged $84-$15 = $69 plus tax on the next renewal.

Your choice whether it's worth confirming with the moderators.

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you for your help. I just checked my old statement from the Oct 26th charge and it was $96.58 which is correct. I am in Quebec with 15% tax


I wonder why this time there was a mistake? I've been with PM for years never had an issue.


I sent a PM to the moderator team I hope it can be resolved soon. Thank you for the replies

Mayor / Maire

@katiefleming wrote:



My plan is $105 for 90 days and I get the following deductions: $15 Loyalty, $6 Autopay


Yet for some reason I was just charged $113.83


This is the first time there's been a mistake on my bill. Please help!



@katiefleming  With $15 in loyalty rewards I'm guessing you're on 90 day billing cycle.  It seems like the loyalty rewards weren't factored if this time around if I'm getting my math correct, although it's slightly off from yours.  It would seem the autopay has been applied, $99 x 15% (HST) would bring it to $113.85.


You may need to submit a ticket to moderators via SIMon here:


Type your issue, select options 'contact us/moderators, then 'submit ticket' when these appear and follow the rest of the prompts to finish submission.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I'm having a hard time following what the history means. I've had the same bill for ages so this is out of the blue. I sent the moderating team a private message.


Date Transaction Type Credit (Payments) Debit (Charges) Balance

Jan 24, 2020Unlimited International Text/Messagerie texte à l'international $30.00$15.00
Jan 24, 2020Unlimited Canada-wide Talk/Appels illimités au Canada $65.00$45.00
Jan 24, 20201.5GB at 3G Speed /90 Days/1.5Go à la vitesse 3G /90 jours $60.00$110.00
Jan 24, 20203 Choices with Canada-wide Talk/3 Choix avec les appels nationaux$75.00 $170.00
Jan 24, 202090-day plan/Forfait de 90 jours $25.00$95.00
Jan 24, 2020Reward - Loyalty Recognition/Récompense - Reconnaissance de Fidélité$15.00 $120.00
Jan 24, 2020Automatic Top-Up/Réapprovisionnements auto.$99.00 $105.00
Jan 24, 2020AutoPay Reward$6.00 $6.00


And to give you an idea of the last charge where everything was FINE was:


Oct 26, 2019Unlimited International Text/Messagerie texte à l'international $30.00$0.00    
Oct 26, 2019Unlimited Canada-wide Talk/Appels illimités au Canada $65.00$30.00    
Oct 26, 20191.5GB at 3G Speed /90 Days/1.5Go à la vitesse 3G /90 jours $60.00$95.00    
Oct 26, 20193 Choices with Canada-wide Talk/3 Choix avec les appels nationaux$75.00 $155.00    
Oct 26, 201990-day plan/Forfait de 90 jours $25.00$80.00    
Oct 26, 2019Automatic Top-Up/Réapprovisionnements auto.$84.00 $105.00    
Oct 26, 2019Reward - Loyalty Recognition/Récompense - Reconnaissance de Fidélité$15.00 Oct 26, 2019AutoPay Reward$6.00 $6.00

Mayor / Maire

@katiefleming wrote:



My plan is $105 for 90 days and I get the following deductions: $15 Loyalty, $6 Autopay


Yet for some reason I was just charged $113.83


This is the first time there's been a mistake on my bill. Please help!



@katiefleming click the "?" in lower right side of the page, type "contact moderator", and follow directions OR send a message:

Mayor / Maire

To clarify, Are you on one of the $90 3 month plans? What is your tax rate?

@katiefleming wrote:



My plan is $105 for 90 days and I get the following deductions: $15 Loyalty, $6 Autopay


Yet for some reason I was just charged $113.83


This is the first time there's been a mistake on my bill. Please help!




Mayor / Maire

@katiefleming wrote:



My plan is $105 for 90 days and I get the following deductions: $15 Loyalty, $6 Autopay


Yet for some reason I was just charged $113.83


This is the first time there's been a mistake on my bill. Please help!



@katiefleming  Best to access your selfserve account online and select the Payment History link to get a better idea on what happened. Looks like one of the credits did not get applied properly. If that's the case then just submit a ticket to PM and ask them to investigate and they will correct any errors.


To submit a ticket to the Moderator Team, please start a conversation with the Public's virtual assistant, SIMon by clicking the icon below:




If you are still having problems contacting Public Mobile then click here. The link  sends you to the private message function and adds the moderator team as recipient for a private message. You just have to enter a title and text in the body of the message describing the problem and post. The message will be received by the moderator team and they will respond to it. You will receive the response in your private message inbox.

Please note that account verification may be required when contacting the Moderator Team 

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