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In past threads there has been a need for invoicing.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Today I was successful in doing a copy and paste from my Transaction Page(s) to Excel. Would that not be accepatble? And maybe along with a screen print of the month? I plan to do this monthly. 


Just a thought. 



@88cranston There are really only two choices in this matter:

a) request official invoices from PM as needed waiting a month, or so, for each to arrive, or 

b) create your own monthly "report", that would be accepted by Revenue Canada and many others, consisting of a printout of PM's payment history matched with one's credit card statement (or voucher receipts).


As PM is a pre-paid service there is legally no invoice per se; i.e. we actually pay before we are invoiced! Robot wink

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Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@88cranston wrote:

To be more official though, can you not then take the Transactions page(s) for the month and print each screen in PDF format? It works good on my iMac. That way you can have both a hard and soft copy. 

@88cranston it's not enitrely about the physical format.  

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Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I just did a PDF on iMac. Worked ok but did not show account number. I wonder if PM can allow that to be printed/PDF'd?

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@srlawren wrote:

@88cranston depends what you need the invoice for.  If it's for your company's accounting department for reimbursement, or for the CRA for some sort of tax-related purpose, then this is very likely not sufficient.  If it's just for your own information to track what you spent and on what, then it's probably fine.  


Why would it not be sufficient for those other purposes?

- main problem: tax charged is not shown in transaction history

- other problem: transaction history is inherently a bit complex to understand by the way that they credit for multi-choice plans and such.  (More here: Understanding Transaction History)


- also, it's not official.  You could have tampered with the numbers after pasting into Excel, or in fact, could have just fabricated the whole thing.  Having a PDF with company logo on it and so on makes it much more trustworthy.

I hear you. It was just a thought. It will do for me for tracking costs and seeing what Rewards I receive credit for vs Reward given. 


To be more official though, can you not then take the Transactions page(s) for the month and print each screen in PDF format? It works good on my iMac. That way you can have both a hard and soft copy. 

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@88cranston depends what you need the invoice for.  If it's for your company's accounting department for reimbursement, or for the CRA for some sort of tax-related purpose, then this is very likely not sufficient.  If it's just for your own information to track what you spent and on what, then it's probably fine.  


Why would it not be sufficient for those other purposes?

- main problem: tax charged is not shown in transaction history

- other problem: transaction history is inherently a bit complex to understand by the way that they credit for multi-choice plans and such.  (More here: Understanding Transaction History)


- also, it's not official.  You could have tampered with the numbers after pasting into Excel, or in fact, could have just fabricated the whole thing.  Having a PDF with company logo on it and so on makes it much more trustworthy.

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