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I want to keep my phone number, but I have a new SIM card

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I lost my phone in a lake 😞

I have bought a new phone and have a new SIM card, but I *REALLY* want to keep my existing phone number. 

How do I set up my new phone, so I keep my number? 



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I'm going to go try this. Wish me luck! 🙂 Thanks everyone. 

Mayor / Maire

Your number is not LOST. Just enter new SIM number

Go to Profile and there you can:

- Change phone number

- Change SIM number

- Transfer Phone Number

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

That's good news!


Mayor / Maire


Sorry about you losing your phone.

It's super easy to attach. Just log into your account and click on Profile. 

There you will see your SIM number.  Just click on the pencil to type the new numbers over. Save changes.  Insert the new SIM card in your phone and your good to go👍🏻.

@MHasQuestions  Yes.  Wait 5 mins, turn off and turn it back on with the NEW sim card

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Also, by reboot, I assume you mean turn off and turn on again? 



yup.  no worries, following the step above would change your number (ie, you will get to keep the same number)

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

So, that will not automatically change my phone number if I do that? 



just login My Account.  if you cannot receive the 2FA code on the phone, click "Resend code" or "Didn't receive code" and then "Send email" to get the code via email.

Once you are logged in, go to Profile page and click the pencil beside the sim card number and update it to the new one you have.  After update, wait 5 mins and reboot the phone

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