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I want to cancel my subscription

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

My phone was stolen 2 months ago and on auto renew i tried to open my account and cancel it but it wont work i dont have the original phone so had to log in tried making a new account the number is still in service guy answers this is ridiculous been trying to cancel it for months thid service is horrible 


Mayor / Maire


if you're not coming back to PM, contact your bank or credit card issuer to initiate charge back. That will stop your account from any further renewals immediately...just make sure you're not planning on returning to PM as you'd have some hoops to jump through !! 

Mayor / Maire

Sorry to hear that.  send message to the below. To get access if you can't. I understand that uou could be waiting upwards of a week for a reply.

Mayor / Maire

Try logging onto your account using a computer. Click the bottom Didn’t Receive Code and click the send to email option. Then go to My Account and click the drop-down arrow and click Profile. Scroll down and click Report Lost/Stolen Phone. Then you would have to order a new SIM or eSIM.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Not able to chat to a live agent really is so unprofessional not everyone is good with the finding things on the internet il definitely tell anyone how horrible experience i had using this for last 2 months

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