05-02-2021 04:53 PM - edited 01-06-2022 01:57 AM
05-04-2021 12:47 PM - edited 05-04-2021 12:52 PM
Thanks for your imput of real life experience in Port Bruce. ( This helps @Tosha1962 relate to his personal experience in the area.) After moving to BC you tend to think of Ontario as flat but it still has hills and river valleys etc.... Reading just the cell tower map and the height of the towers, recievers and the azimuth (direction) it makes it appear that distance was the sole factor affecting service even though there were bars showing signal. Along with@sheytoon 's expertise it took a topographical map to see the drop in elevation and the now obvious river valley/delta that Port Bruce was settled and built around to see why service is affected by up to a 60m drop in elevation (which in BC seems like nothing).
BTW... @sheytoon has been a great source of this kind of info and tutor to help me understand and read the cell tower map and what the numbers tell you when you click on each tower. Its not just there's a tower so there should service....but all of the factors combined together that determine whether or not the location you are in can recieve/connect with that tower.
The bell towers are providing 3G service in that area. The telus tower is providing indoor service (and limited outdoor service for that particular business and its employees to mainly connect to mobile data and voLTE calling. ( I'm assuming.... if you are with pm you may or may not have some spotty call service having to connect much farther away to the bell towers but the elevation is much less of an issue from that location.)
05-04-2021 11:56 AM
With BC made up of a row of valleys, it's a challenge for providers to service this place. Look at the coverage map. It's valleys and where of course all the main highway corridors go and people live.
Even still, up on the large interior plateau, they still really just follow the highways.
So it all depends on how geography shadows the signal from a tower.
05-04-2021 11:47 AM
Yes, I looked at the map again, it looks like there are Bell towers "around" the area.. but I look at the scale closely, "around" = 10km away.. I guess it's too far away ..
05-04-2021 11:37 AM
I drive through there regularly and yes the signal disappears down along the river, marina and shore. It reappears when you drive up out of town. C'est la vie.
05-04-2021 10:15 AM
yes possible.. Rogers has tower right at Port Bruce.
05-04-2021 10:12 AM
I used buddies same phone but he is with Rogers connection was no problem!
Thanks zoran
05-02-2021 08:38 PM
Most likely you have access to lte tower but they are lacking any 3g towers in that area. In that case you would have access to data and texting but not calling. Ib would suggest using Fongo for Canada calling in such area or TextNow is you need access to USA calling, as Publicmobile doesn't support VoLTE yet
05-02-2021 07:45 PM
That does look like that is the problem. Even though the towers are at 200m+ in elevation Port Bruce lies in a river valley that dips to as low as 180m. Valleys do not serve well for cell service connections. The nearby rogers tower could even have dead zones depending where you are in Port Bruce.
Unless you spend a lot of time in Port Bruce ( live there?) you will have to be resigned to having little or no service while you are there. If you have a friend with a rogers/fido/chatr sim card you could always try that in your phone to see how well it connects to its tower while you are in Port Bruce.
05-02-2021 07:27 PM - edited 05-02-2021 07:29 PM
@darlicious They don't seem to be too far away that it's completely out of range, but depending on the terrain, signal may be unreliable in Port Bruce. Seems to be 10-15km away eyeballing it
@softech not necessarily related to the frequency band, but this area of Ontario is Bell territory. All outdoor sites are Bell.
05-02-2021 07:09 PM
Looks like that telus site is at Jaffa Machine a steel fabricating business.
05-02-2021 07:00 PM
@sheytoon , just curious, is 2100Mhz always an indoor one?
05-02-2021 06:59 PM
So the bell towers are too far away to connect to? If I read the OP's post correctly why would there still be service bars on their phone while in Port Bruce?
05-02-2021 06:54 PM - edited 05-02-2021 07:30 PM
@darlicious the Telus site is an indoor one. Port Bruce seems like an area with no coverage on the Bell/Telus network.
Edit: I should say poor coverage area instead of no coverage area.
05-02-2021 06:31 PM - edited 05-02-2021 06:32 PM
When looking at the map the closest telus tower only has the 2100mhz band so you are connecting but not with other essential bandz for full services. There are bell towers that you could connect to but they may be a little too far away and/or your phone is seeking the nearest and best connection which is the telus tower. Try forcing your phone into 3G and this may allow your phone to seek a connection with the bell towers for service. ( The nearer rogers tower will not connect as there is no sharing agreement with telus....only bell and telus have sharing agreements.)
05-02-2021 05:01 PM
any Bell/Telus towers around the area?