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How often do I need to buy a sim card, or sign up for new service?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Mayor / Maire


Only one purchase of a SIM/account/email. It is very rare that you need to replace a SIM card for existing account unless you damaged the contacts of the SIM card.

Mayor / Maire

hi @BigBlaine 

if you are new to PM, you need a new sim card or esim

but if you just change plan, the same sim card can be used for new plan, or 5G services, etc.

Mayor / Maire

@BigBlaine   You only have to buy a sim card once (if a physical sim card - if you get an esim you will need a new one each time you change phone but it should be free).  Once you are signed up your plan will renew every 30 days until you stop it.

Mayor / Maire

Hey @BigBlaine 

You only have to buy 1 SIM card or one eSIM. And if you buy the eSIM, if you lose your phone or buy a new one, it's non transferable but you just go into your app and buy a new one and at check out, it will be free.

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