05-28-2022 08:50 PM
05-29-2022 10:25 AM
Thank you!
05-28-2022 09:46 PM
You can get a refund if it was an error or an oversight and not used, but if you have used part of it you have it until you use it all up (unless it is a 10 day US roaming add on)
05-28-2022 08:56 PM
@colleenM8 @Hi you don’t need to remove it add ones are a one time purchase you will not be charged again
05-28-2022 08:56 PM
Add ons at pm are one time purchases that do not expire. They remain on your account rolling over every 30 days until you need to use it again. Once it is completely consumed it then disappears from your account.
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05-28-2022 08:52 PM
@colleenM8 You can't.
You don't meant you want it refund, right?
If you just don't want the add-on , there is really no way other than use them.
What kind of addon you want to get rid of?