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How do I earn communiyy points?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

How do I earn community points?


Mayor / Maire

Just be an encyclopedia to help new members with PM issues.

Mayor / Maire

@mateusth Short answer to this - add value to the community. Don't just create many posts, but qualitative answers to questions from forum users. Quality always beats quantity😉

Mayor / Maire
Just experimenting a little with the spoiler option. See @mateusth There's a lot to learn and sometimes you have to experiment with different features to see how they work so you show someone else.


Here's some advice I've given other new community members who have asked the same question.

Re: Community Rewards.....


Getting involved in the community is a two step process. First you have to learn. Do this for you. Secondly you want to help others. Once you acquire enough knowledge you can help answer questions correctly and/or offer good advice.


Read posts, threads and help articles. Bravo posts that you learn from or agree with and reply to them if you can offer something new, it's an opinion or an experience that you can share....just don't guess or be repetitive.


If you dont know the answer use my secret weapon.....the search bar! Theres been plenty of times i have no clue what the answer is but theres no one else around to help so ill type in the key point of the question like PUK CODE. Try it see what you learn? Look for the green checkmark indicating a solution. And check a few because sometimes there's more than one answer for the same question. Just hit go to get a list of the best matches and check dates....more recent is usually a better choice.


Learn what you need to know to manage your own account and run your service and explore all the different options available to you in your account and on the community. If you participate enough you'll see a community reward in your account next month.

Re: Certain ways to participate for rewards?


I think you have answered yourself in the form of a question! Make that a daily double Alex!


That's exactly what you have to do....start by learning as much as you can about your service, your account, the different plans, add ons, rewards, troubleshooting, promotions etc.....


You can read posts and threads, put key words or questions in the search bar ( my favourite tool), post your own questions to start your own thread and eventually choose a solution from the many posts.


Add your opinion or share your experience in  any of the discussion threads and once your confident that you know the correct answer for another member asking a question you can post your answer and possible solution.


Along the way bravo other posts that are helpful, teach you something new or that you agree with and you are participating and contributing in the community.


Around the 6th or 7th of the month you can look into your account to see if there is a community reward deposited in your rewards section. Then a day or two later pm posts an announcement and badges denoting your reward level are posted in your profile.


Today is the last day for this months contribution. You can gauge your participation today to see if it garners maybe a top 50% reward of $1. Then you will have a very basic idea of how much of a contribution it takes to earn a community reward.

Re: Community reward.. Top 50%


As mentioned each month is different as far as participation goes so the top 25% and top 50% levels can vary wildly but can be achieved by most who make a habit of spending a few hours a week. Everything else can take some serious dedication. You can read the following threads....


This subject slways stirs up some passionate responses..

Answer to the comment:"I have a lot to learn!"


So did I.....just go into it with an open mind. Learn for yourself. Public mobile is DIY so just like classic cars you'll want to get the basics under your belt. Change the oil, top up the do some reading,  explore the plans, learn about your self serve account.....everything you can access yourself. Use the search bar for answers or ask the community. Bravo good answers, award a solution when you get one. Add your opinion in a discussion or a comment. Once your here a little while you'll have learned enough to start answering questions too! Next month you might find an extra $1 or $2 in the rewards section of your account and a shiny new badge in your profile.


Welcome to the community!


Mayor / Maire

Read up on past post and solutions.  Post replies and solutions to assist other community members.  Helping others is more rewarding and getting a community award is a bonus.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville


If your goal is to get some rewards (money) and you expect to get it by being active, I'd recommend you to find other ways to make money. Public Mobile made a great way of having low cost customer support (us) and only few are rewarded and really small money. For 20$ you will need do spend so much time here and even that doesn't guarantee anything. But if you like to help people and want to learn more by being active, that's different story. 

So, I'm not saying don't be active, just have reasonable expectations. 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@mateusth :And don't forget to choose an accepted solution for any threads you create such as this one you've created, just click the accepted solution button above the post that helped you most, doing so will mark your thread as solved and will also help others who have same question as you.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@mateusth wrote:

How do I earn community points?

@mateusth hi the best way is to ask/answer questions and participate in the community

Mayor / Maire

It takes effort, @mateusth 


But you can do it.   Be helpful, respond to questions if you have input.  Bravo any posts you like, and generally be positive and kind.


If you put enough time into it, you'll learn how to respond and use the Get Help articles and other's responses to best help others.


See this Public Mobile article on it:

The Community Reward - Public Mobile


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