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How are the mods determining the order of response?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I get that there is a huge backlog and I can understand the lack of support due to the lower price. We get what we pay for. But it is really frustrating seeing mods replying to threads that are created after you when you have been waiting for a response for 4 days. 


Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
Tagging I know gets shared, but I'm sorry I still doubt the shared pool for private messages.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@mike390 turnaround looks to be 4 or 5 days right now, unfortunately, due to the insanely huge number of people coming in (even a small percentage of those having problems is an overwhelming number).  There's been a handful of "people being a pain in the ass and making lots of noise" who managed to jump the queue and get attention quicker, but I don't like the fact that that worked for them because it then encourages other people to act the same way, and like I said in another thread: when all the wheels are squeaky wheels, it's the same as if none of them are squeaky.  So the one that squeaked first is the one that gets the grease (to stretch the metaphor nearly to its breaking point :))


And @wshrews under normal circumstances, this system has been enough to handle the usage requirements of both the mods and PM's customers.  Unfortunately, right now is very much not normal circumstances 😕

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I'm surprised there's no normal ticketing system. I first messaged @Shazia_K and was missing information with no apparent way to update except to remessage the mods.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

 I think the issue that most people are experiencing is that they at not recieving a response from any of the mods even days later...

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Rockdaddy22 wrote:
I'm starting to doubt they go into a shared pool, do we have an official statement on this?

Well, in the "All you need to know" thread, it says this:


Which Moderator should I contact?

Regardless of who you tag, your question goes into a pool of questions that is distributed to all of our Moderators. This takes all the guesswork out of the process and means that as long as you are tagging or private messaging@ at least one of the Moderators, you will get a response. For example, if I were to tag @Mary_M during a time where she is not working, but @Saray_O and @Shazia_K are, then I will receive a response from either @Saray_O or @Shazia_K. This also means that tagging all three Moderators is not necessary.


Does it get more official than @Jeremy_M? 🙂

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

It's very possible that the messages may not end up in a shared pool. This looks like a regular forum, where a private message would only be sent to that one person. But I think this is all speculation as we do not know what their backend looks like, and clarification/expected response times with regards to the support process would definitely be appreciated by many.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
I'm starting to doubt they go into a shared pool, do we have an official statement on this?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

but if you have to pm the mods individually, you are creating such a mess with duplicate messages

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@kevinl all mods see all private messages to any of the mods, so they kinda have a centralized system already.  But yeah, I imagine it's still a huge mess for them to try to organize right now.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Mayor / Maire

Agreed some form of issue management tool would definitely be welcomed.  I belive this has been brought up in the ideas section before as well.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I suspect it is an issue with the way the system is setup. A better system would be a centralized system instead of having to PM each mod individually and hoping one of them see your message. This way the mods can work through the backlog in a sequential order through time stamps. Also elimanates the time waste of mods working on the same case twice. /rant

Mayor / Maire

Officially the mods are handling issues in the order they are received, but as you stated odds are they aren't following that strictly to a T.  Make sure you follow up and chase especially if your issue is serious.  I've also heard some people mention twitter or facebook might help.

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