09-30-2023 03:52 PM
09-30-2023 06:55 PM
Use the @ symbol to direct any replies to the user you wish to direct any response to.
this way, the user gets a notification that they have been tagged on a post and can go directly to that post.
Like this … @RTinEL
09-30-2023 04:38 PM
Go to each response and click on Reply. Type reply in opened space.
Best way is to post one question at the time as response would be faster and more accurate than answering on potential 10 questions in one post.
09-30-2023 03:57 PM
@RTinEL wrote:How should I respond to multiple answers to a question that I have posed?
I had a quick look at your previous post. You responded fine.
You could quote the specific message or tag @RTinEL the specific community user. To quote, using the computer website, you should see symbol " which will quote the message that you are responding to.