09-03-2024 06:23 PM
How do I get back funds from an old number I put money and want to transfer to my main account?
09-03-2024 06:29 PM
09-03-2024 06:28 PM
@Mama_bear you're going to need to contact a CS_agent as they are the only ones that will have access to your account details.
You will need to open a ticket through the Chatbot: https://widget.telus.tiia.ai/publicmobile/publicmobile.html
(and then type: Customer Support Agent)
Or, if you are having trouble with the Chatbot try sending a private message to:
(note: you will need to be logged into your Community account for this link to work)
09-03-2024 06:28 PM
Ok thanks
09-03-2024 06:27 PM
I do not think you can get those money back. PM is pre-paid so once they get money, that's it.
You can always try so go and open a Ticket and plead your case.