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Hacked??? Help!!!

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I received a call from someone in my contacts stating they received a text from me that I never sent. The text reads "Hi my name is Jason I recently hacked this user's phone" 


I changed my passwords but i need help on what to do next!


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Probably just some dude who punched in random numbers and got yours and sent that as prank

If it makes you feel more can change your phone number. Log in to your account / Profile / then click Change Number tab.

Mayor / Maire


just ignore it, they're provoke, and not real send SMS.

be careful don't give to anyone if the ask about any information.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

The pin on the phone itself is quite secure so im confident that no one randomly sent a message. Ill check the SIM number as was advised in a previous comment. 


@KMDTeam the message sent to  someone in your contact , so, it likely is a targeted one and not a random sms spoofing


You sure no one have access to your phone physically earlier  and send it from your phone?



Mayor / Maire

@KMDTeam I wouldn’t panic someone is spoofing that number , you could let your friend know but not a lot can be done about it , they will move on to another number in a couple of days 

Mayor / Maire

@KMDTeam - oh my, well that would be alarming no doubt. I hope it is just a scare and not an actual hack.


Are all your services still working?


Review this article about sim swapping: 


Other helpful information to review that may be helpful for your situation :


edit, i'd start with ensuring your actual SIM card number matches what is shows in your My Account (shown below).

If not, start changing passwords that may be connected to this phone number or accounts on it.




Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Not that i dont believe this but i think its entirely possible that they are trolling you or got it from a number very similar to yours.

Mayor / Maire

HI @KMDTeam   it is likely SMS spoofing. 


Almost like Caller ID Spoofing, but I don't think it is as common



Not sure what the intension of "Jason".  With Caller ID spoofting, the idea is just fool people to pick up the calls thinking it is a valid call and not a commercial sale calls


But this guy, he even say he "hacked this user's phone"  I have a feeling it is just some hacker learner , just learned something new and playing around

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