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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

In the past I updated my credit card number and it only worked for one of my PB numbers and this is where all of my problems started. If I set up a new credit card number will it work with both of my phone numbers with PB as I have lost one of my email addresses that went with one of my phone numbers. My god this is frustrating, please help!! Thanks in advance.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks again softech, I appreciate your help.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks again, Handy1 I have had such bad luck with this for the past few years, I was so afraid of messing it all up.

@Croft123   we are all just customers here and try our best to help.  if credit card works on one account, it should work on the other one  But PM's payment is glitchy, sometimes the CC payment did'n't go through, it could be just Pm's gitchy system issue and nothing to do with the CC

Best way to make sure a CC works, first update your account with this CC, if it is updated without issue.  Then wait an hour and try to make a manual payment for the amount due. (The hour wait is really not needed, but just in case).  If the manual payment works, perfect!! the amount will be sitting as Available fund and will be used towards your next renewal, so you next renewal is all covered and no need to worry

If anything wrong adding the card or payment, message support and ask:

**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply to you there


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Okay it is me again sorry. I need to know for sure that my credit card will work for both of my PB phones even though one is signed up to an email account that was hacked years ago. When I set them up 8 years ago they asked for 2 different email address for each phone number. One has been hacked and is where all of my troubles began outside of trying to change expiry dates on the credit card.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you so much for your help.



it should work. there is really no reason why it works on one account but not both.  Many uses the same credit card and pay for 3 or 4 accounts

The only advise is, if the multiple accounts renew on the same day and same amounts, CC might decline the charges as it might think they are duplicated charges. But if different renewal dates, no issue for sure.


Mayor / Maire

@Croft123 - use the "Forgot your email" option under the My Account section.

Have you set up an EverSafe login for both accounts you have?

Yes, you can use the same card for more than one Public Mobile account.

Mayor / Maire

@Croft123  Yes you can use the same credit card for both accounts 

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