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Friend code

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I just signed up and ordered a sim card. I forgot to use my friend code.



Mayor / Maire

@Scotbar wrote:

I just signed up and ordered a sim card. I forgot to use my friend code.


@Scotbar  - when you receive the SIM card, then you will need to Activate it by going through this online process:


During this process, you will be prompted to enter your friend's referral code on page 4 of the activation pages. Easy-peasy. Then you will receive $10 credit on your account to be used on your 2nd plan renewal.


Welcome to Public.

Mayor / Maire

@Scotbar wrote:

I just signed up

To what? Community, Sim online order entry, or activation?


and ordered a SIM card.

From?? Online, CCS, store walk-in, Amazon, or eBay?


I forgot to use my friend code.

Don't need to use until activation and you will see where to enter online. 


No no need to contact an agent, until you tell us more. 


Mayor / Maire

Contact agent and they will add it.


@Scotbar friends referral code is only to be used for activation, not sim card purchase 

Mayor / Maire



When you say you “signed up”, you mean here on the community?


Once you get the SIM card, in order to complete the activation, it’s then that you need to input your payment card details, your email address, and your friends referral code.

Mayor / Maire

I don’t believe you have filled in the activation form where you put the referral code if you have only ordered a SIM card to be sent to you.

Mayor / Maire

@Scotbar  Need support help 

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  • Get support by starting a conversation with virtual Chat box /SIMon. Click here                 


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  • you can send a private message   To CS_Agents by clicking here.


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