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Extra payments keep coming off my card

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin


I have a ticket but the only answer I've been given is to close my credit card and get a new number because Public Mobile is taking 3 payments from my card instead of 1. What about the almost year of extra payments I'm out? I've never been able to get a phone call from somebody higher up. Is this company a scam? I don't get how they can just keep taking and not refund me when I've shown proof of the payments coming out. 

There has to be some type of management, correct? Anybody know how to contact them when there's an issue likeThis with over charges? I think it's because I had an account for my son and it was cancelled end of last year but somehow I'm still getting charged and twice, once then try days later it comes out again. 


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I'm having the same problem. $600 charged since July 

hi @Care1376 it us actually good to charge back the 2 accoints as whoever using it for free would get suspended right a way. But you have to do it carefully as we suggested as it will affect  you too if you did it wrong 


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I have already disputed it with my credit card company, but I wanted PM to look into why it's happening. Nothing has been on my card and I feel like if somebody was using it that there would be other charges. And why the basic plan, you'd think they'd go for a higher up plan. I feel like CS is just like well you cancelled and that's what it shows so it can't be us but it seems very much like a PM mistake. I wouldn't doubt that it's happening to others, but hopefully not. 

hi  @Care1376 

you can do this , change your My Account to another credit card 

 WAIT TILL THE 2nd card got charged once? ie your My Account renewed once after the card change, then wait for the original card got another 2 charges, on thr mysterious accounts, call the credit card to charge back the 2 charges.  This will suspended that 2 mysterious account and won't affect your real account


@Care1376  If BIL means brother in law and you activated it for him there a good chance your card is being charged  for his phone , when activating now the card used to activate is on file for auto payments and maybe when activating then for him you had troubles and created two accounts . But in any event work with support and change credit card as they already mentioned is what I would certainly do 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

OK. Nobody has ever, even my husband, used my credit card. I did make a profile for my BIL, but I did it, he never saw my card numbers. His is still active and not the charges I'm worried about. My son is ten and only the 3 of us and nobody has never used my card for anything I don't recognize so I don't think somebody stole it and is using it. It didn't happen before I cancelled my son's account so it has to be that it just never stopped. But I don't know why another charge started coming out, that one night be because my BIL changed his data and I think it was still charging for the previous amount (actually it's the same account, just upped the data and number stayed the same). 


I've talked to many CS agents and they can't help apparently. There has to be management where you can actually hear a human voice and not just typing. 

@Care1376 wrote:


I have a ticket but the only answer I've been given is to close my credit card and get a new number because Public Mobile is taking 3 payments from my card instead of 1. What about the almost year of extra payments I'm out? I've never been able to get a phone call from somebody higher up. Is this company a scam? I don't get how they can just keep taking and not refund me when I've shown proof of the payments coming out. 

There has to be some type of management, correct? Anybody know how to contact them when there's an issue likeThis with over charges? I think it's because I had an account for my son and it was cancelled end of last year but somehow I'm still getting charged and twice, once then try days later it comes out again. 

While there are some cases that customers do receive phone calls, please rember that this brand is set up for all customer service being provided online.  You'll need to keep communicating with the csutomer support agents.  If this is a matter of duplicate payments, they can certainly help, but unfortuantely, if these payments are for different acounts and you haven't given anyone permission to use your credit card, contacting your credit card issuer really will be required (as that means that someone else may have gain access to your credit card information).

Mayor / Maire

@Care1376  Are all 3 payments for the same amount ? Are you only supposed to be paying for 1 phone ? If so I would follow that advice get nee credit card and update it . Something not right here 

Add and I don’t see why you would need a new number 

Mayor / Maire

hi @Care1376 you have to work with agent on that

but you sure no one in your household used your card for another account? or maybe you activated multiple times by mistake??

please submit ticket with agent and ask them to escalate

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