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E-SIM port from Telus in SOS only

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I ported online from Telus to Public and activated the eSIM via the app/my phone but it still hasn’t activated it. It currently says SOS only and my Telus eSIM is still active. It’s just around the two hour wait time. Is this normal or should I be concerned? 


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Worked out! Thank you. 



you got the porting authorization text from Telus yet?  You need to reply YES within 90 mins.  If you have not receive it yet, do not do anything with the PM esim. Make sure you replied YES to Telus. 
(Let us know if you waited 4 hours and still not get the porting authorization text form Telus, there is another number you can call to sort that out)

 After you replied YES to Telus' text,  reboot your phone every 30 mins until the Telus esim is not connecting

Once you see Telus esim not connecting anymore, then disable (NOT delete) the Telus esim and work on the PM esim

And make sure the one associated with PM sim and your phone number is enabled.
(On iPhone: Settings->Cellular , make sure the PM eSIM is set as Primary on "Cellular Plan Label" and "Turn on This Line" is toggled on)

Then click Reset All Networks on your phone and it will work.  (Please note that Reset all Networks will also erase your saved Wifi and Bluetooth connections, but you just need to add them back after). Also, it is possible you have to reset it multiple times for it to work.

if it still does not work, please open ticket with PM support

**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply to you there


Mayor / Maire

@Romic87  Submit ticket with support 

send  a  private message   To CS_Agents

⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Link below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️


Mayor / Maire

HI @Romic87 

two things not working, your esim is not working yet

first, the port not done.  Make sure you still have Telus sim card there, or Telus esim still enabled.  Telus will send you a text to ask your permission to port, reply yes within 90 mins

another thing, PM esim is not setup yet.  Check your sim manager and make sure Public Mobile esim is there.  Make sure it is enabled and set as primary and enable Turn on this line

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