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Dropped Calls

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I have tried everything to attempt to resolve the dropped call  issues I have been having  including multiple sims/ Esims,  New Iphones  ,reset network , change to 3G or 4G instead of 5g on or 5G auto  and the list goes on . I have asked for a couple of network resets on their end as well ... Signal is usually strong . I have contacted support (CSAgent ) on a few occasions  and spoken to them in an  attempt to resolve the issue ..... still with  no resolution .. I am a very patient person but it is wearing thin... Does anyone else have this issue on a regular basis.. I am out of ideas .. Gregg 


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


I sometimes experience drop calls at my house but I am at the edge of a dead zone. When I change location, my signal is better and I don't experience as many drop calls. Have you tried changing locations or does it affect you everywhere? Good luck.


Not sure if changing numbers will make a big difference.  If you are not attached to your number, you can try to change.  However, you will unlikely get that number back.  If you change number, the original number goes back to the original mobile company that you signed up for.  

You could try the lost/stolen phone trick that previously worked for payment issues.  Seems to reset your phone at backend.

In your self service account,  report your phone lost/stolen.  Logout.  Log back in and then report your phone found.  

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I was escalated to the technical team ( Spoken with them on a few occasions ) and still no resolution .Unfortunately I lost the contact info of the person who I was speaking with in the tech dept. I have contacted support  and hope to speak with tech again...  Would doing a number change make any difference ? Im grasping at straws here 


I agree that unlikely to be SIM card or phone issue (since you tried several ones)

Maybe try CSA again.  Ask to be escalated to technical team to look at your account. 

I will update this post if PM management responses to my follow up post.  

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Thank you . I have tried 3 different iphones . I even purchased a new iphone and still have issues  My wife and a few friends have iphones and androids  with PM and  no issue of dropped calls. Just me .. Very unusual . I have tried 2 new physical sims and 2  esims to no avail !! Its not the sim  or the phone IMO .. 


I did post this call dropping issue to PM management and they said that they were looking into the issue.  It was several weeks ago.  I will ask for an update.  

If you have a physical SIM card, maybe try it in an android phone.  To see if iPhone issue with PM.....

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Tried that a few times. Thanks 



From a different forum (reddit, RFD), one customer had the following fix:

For iPhone:
settings>>>cellular>>>Primary>>>network selection>>> turn off automatic network selection and reboot

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I have also asked for a couple of Network resets on their end 

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