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Double charge

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

After getting my card blocked by the bank  flagging the charges as fraud I was charged twice. How do i get reimbursed 



Mayor / Maire

@JP83 - contact CS_Agent in the post you just posted.

Click on their hyperlink and go to 'SEND A MESSAGE' to send them a private message.

EDIT - OHHH you may have an issue. Did you say you flagged your bank about a duplicate charge? If the chargeback is done against public mobile, then you may have tougher issues to work out soon enough.

Chargebacks may cause your account to be disabled by Public Mobile and provide you grief for future payments with them. Anyway you can cancel the chargeback (if that is what happened) and just deal with Public Mobile representatives on this one? Be persistent with public mobile about this double charge and don't take no for an answer if they say they cannot help you.


@JP83   you sure one of them is not a pending charge?

if both are posted charge, please do not try to work with the Bank to settle that, please open ticket with PM support by direct message and work with them.  message them here:

**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply to you there



Mayor / Maire

@JP83  You need support for a refund . Please 

message support directly

  • while your already here and logged in the community you can send a private message   To CS_Agents click >>>here.<<<
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