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Does voicemail call count as usage?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Why my outgoing call to 1 (647) 580-4001 also count as usage?


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I have 4 lines on the $15 Plan, my primary line being on the $50 • 40GB Canada-US Plan. 

My youngest sister is on the same Plan as me, my older sister is on the 30GB • $45 Unlimited, and my dad is using the 20GB • $39. 

I'm not saying they need to remove the 1GB Plan, just increase the GBs and keep the price the same. You could keep yours, or take the free upgrade. 

It would bring alot of extra people to Public from other providers.

@Priority wrote:

If the $25 Plan had 2-5GB of Data at 3G Speeds, it'd be guaranteed to be alot more Popular. Public would win alot of clients from other providers doing that, as almost every provider has the $25 • 1GB Deal. If they even made it $25 • 3GB with Canada Wide Calling + Worldwide Texting that would be ideal and would be a win win for not only us, but Public themselves. 

Also/or: for the $15 Plan, take off the 250mb of Mobile Data and just make it Unlimited Canada Wide Calling + Worldwide Texting only already.. people take the $15 Plan just for the basics not data, why not offer just the basics.. what's the point if 250mb..🤣 we'd prefer the Unlimited Calling.

@Priority , I’m on the $15 3g speed plan & I never need more data than I have. I would hate for them to take it away. I only use it when necessary, emergencies. Which happens. I have internet at home so I don’t need much data.

Also, I use my TextNow app at home on Wi-Fi for free outgoing calls & to check my Public Mobile voicemail for free!

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Priority  for anyone on $15,  you need an VoIP app to check VM to avoid wasting outgoing mins

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Brilliant! Thabk you, I didn't even know this was an option. 

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

If I remember correctly, outgoing call to any phone number, including your phone number, are treated as outgoing minutes at the time the $15 plan was created.

@Priority- Two ways. 1. Call your number, it goes to voicemail, press * then your password and you're in. 2. Call any of the voicemail access numbers like 1-778-580-4001 and enter your number then wait for your greeting then press * then your password and you're in.

@Priority  I think that’s a good idea for the $15 plan as 250mb seems pointless 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Only on the 15$ plan.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

If the $25 Plan had 2-5GB of Data at 3G Speeds, it'd be guaranteed to be alot more Popular. Public would win alot of clients from other providers doing that, as almost every provider has the $25 • 1GB Deal. If they even made it $25 • 3GB with Canada Wide Calling + Worldwide Texting that would be ideal and would be a win win for not only us, but Public themselves. 

Also/or: for the $15 Plan, take off the 250mb of Mobile Data and just make it Unlimited Canada Wide Calling + Worldwide Texting only already.. people take the $15 Plan just for the basics not data, why not offer just the basics.. what's the point if 250mb..🤣 we'd prefer the Unlimited Calling.

@Priority  Yes I agree should cost you mind considering you can call it from another phone for free . But it is what it is . Part of how they can sell customers add on mins or opt for the base $25!plan 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I noticed this the other day on someone who activated on the $15 Plan, he set up his Voicemail box on the spot and upon refreshing the usage he lost 7 of his 100 Monthly minutes. 

Public should make it free to call your own number from the $15 Plan, so that accessing our Voicemail is not taken off our mins Usage.. if it's an included feature, why should it using the included mins of the plan? 🤷‍

Most people I have activate on the $15 Plan is just to hold a number, forward it to their primary line, or just for incoming calls and texts therefore this doesn't serve as much of an issue using a few mins to call Voicemail. 

I didn't know that you can access your Public Mobile Voicemail from another device? What number could I call from my other Public Mobile Plan to check the Voicemails on my $15 Plan Account? 

Mayor / Maire

If you're not on the $15 plan then you don't need to care. If you are then yes, it's an outgoing call when you call voicemail from your phone. So call it from another phone or use a voip app.

Mayor / Maire

@Lucy_2022  Yes once that voicemail picks up for 1 second it will count as a1 minute . And I assume you’re on the $15 plan and that plan only has 100 outgoing mins . But unlimited incoming mins @Lucy_2022 

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