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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I am seeing a lot people contributing towards answering questions in community etc. I was wondering if there other discounts I could obtain aside from the referral and monthly auto pay? How exactly does community and public mobile work?



Discounts here are referred to as REWARDS. 

Autopay $2 mo.....easy

Loyalty $1-$5 mo.......easy but awarded annually 

Referrals $1 mo/per.......bit of work and can get enough to exceed your payments. 

Community $0-$20 mo......based on your efforts. Might make more by taking a walk and collect returnable containers. 

Freebies....they are darn nice here for those.  


When it comes to rewards to discount your bill it is indeed possible to get to $0. It all depends on how much effort you want to put into earning the rewards. Autopay is easy and loyalty just takes time with the two ultimately totalling $7. 


The community reward (up to $15 for us regular folk) and the refer a friend rewards (up to a maximum 110 per account) play in tandem with one another. Both involve helping others but to what extent depends on how much time and effort you want to put into them. Referrals require more up front investment but pay off better in the long run with less and less work involved. Community rewards can pay a little more initially but require consistency to maintain them as they have to be earned every month.


If you want to self manage your account and pm services spending time here in the community to learn about everything pm is ideal. You can ask questions, find solutions (and award them to others), bravo informative posts and get bravoed yourself, use the search bar to access the myriad of questions that have been asked and answered (most of the time) and along the way share your experiences and give your opinion.


As you gain knowledge you can start to impart it to others...that can also include your friends, family and coworkers. You will be the first to know about flash sale promotions and how easy it is to activate and port a number into pm. You will learn about all the plan offerings, add ons that don't expire, no overages or extra billing and 10 day US roaming options that cost the same as 1 or 2 days of roaming with other providers. The first week of every month pm will likely surprise you with the deposit of $1 or $2 in your community reward of your account....maybe even $5 for your efforts.


But the true reward will be not only the satisfaction of helping others in the community but the confidence you will gain by your ability to self manage your account services, troubleshoot phone and service issues and dispel any untruths about pm. When your circle learns how much you save, how efficient an online only service model can be, that full speed 4G LTE data isn't that noticeably different than when it's throttled to 3mbps and your provider gives you Christmas presents every year then you will start to see your referrals begin to increase. While you will help those referrals out from time to time you can also spend less time in the community if you wish just popping in from time to time to stay up to date on any changes, glitches or new promotions.


You can take what you put into the community. It took me two months for my first account to be $0 and just shy of a year for the second to reach $0. Now I just stay on the community because I like helping others and the camaraderie with fellow members!😁

Mayor / Maire

@Bcphaseeb wrote:

I am seeing a lot people contributing towards answering questions in community etc. I was wondering if there other discounts I could obtain aside from the referral and monthly auto pay? How exactly does community and public mobile work?




If you're curious, like to help people, and have a penchant for learning on the fly, then you CAN earn community rewards.


There is a 'secret formula' for gaining a community reward which consists of posting replies, getting & giving Bravos, and earning solutions.


You have already begun by posting a question (and i'm gonna BRAVO your initial post to get you even further along)


Respond to user's questions precisely, briefly, and with relevant content.  


Just be willing to listen and offer ideas.  


Some of those ideas may be deemed a perfect solution to the person asking.


Welcome to the Community!!!



@Bcphaseeb try to get involved in the Community.  Answer questions you can answer and Bravo others' posts and you can likely get $1 or $2 Community reward quickly.  (Sorry  there is no definite answer to how many posts to get the different levels of Community rewards)

Mayor / Maire

@Bcphaseeb wrote:

I am seeing a lot people contributing towards answering questions in community etc. I was wondering if there other discounts I could obtain aside from the referral and monthly auto pay? How exactly does community and public mobile work?


@Bcphaseeb    Yes asking and answering questions in the community can get you a reward from $1-15, although you will find the lower amount easier to "earn" as it's very time consuming to achieve the top dollars unless you have lots of spare hours to participate daily here. 


Also all rewards are dependent upon some mixture of posts /solutions/bravos plus the number of people participating each month, so the reward earned can be different (less/or more) if the number of users is different.


Easiest rewards earned are the autopay, referral and loyalty reward.


Here is some more info on rewards if you are interested in participating.  Welcome and continue to participate whenever you have some time on your hands.




Loyalty rewards is also fairly easy. The longer you stay with Public mobile, the more loyalty rewards.  $1/month for each year with PM with maximum of $5/month


It is easier to earn the lower amounts per month for community rewards. It takes a lot of time to earn the higher levels. As we joke on the community forum, you can likely earn more money collecting bottles and cans on the street then spending time here. Earning $20 is not reachable for most people, except for oracles (invite only). $15/month likely need to spend at least 2-3 hours everyday. Less than minimum wage if you average it out. 


If you like to help out and enjoy online community, then go for it. If you are trying to earn money via community rewards, it is not worth the time.

Not applicable
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