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Data plan offered by SMS

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I'm on the $15 plan. Recently received a text offering 3GB for $20. Of I say yes, will my monthly bill be $20 or $35?


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

If you accept, you will have a $20 plan and the old $15 plan will be removed.

Be aware you will not be able to go back to the $15 plan as they do not offer it anymore.

Mayor / Maire


if you do take the offer, be aware that your current $15 plan will no longer available to you. If you decide later to downgrade can't !

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

It’s a great plan for only $20 plus taxes.  Also you would get 5% back in points. Win win deal grab it!



Mayor / Maire

@BobbyHsu  As stated, it will be $20 but bear in mind that there is no more $15 plan currently offered so if you accept the offer you won't be able to switch back to the $15 plan later.

@BKNS27 wrote:


If you agreed to switch on your next renewal date then the new plan will replace your old plan and it will only be $20.

But if you agreed to switch now then you forfeit the unused days which you already paid for plus the cost of the new plan.

When a customer agrees to the plan change through text messaging, there is no option to perform an immediate plan change.  All of these types of changes will be done at renewal time.

Mayor / Maire


If you agreed to switch on your next renewal date then the new plan will replace your old plan and it will only be $20.

But if you agreed to switch now then you forfeit the unused days which you already paid for plus the cost of the new plan.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Your plan will be $20 each cycle if you accept the offer.

This offer is a phone plan that includes all the same features as your $15 plan plus the extra data and will also give you unlimited Canada-wide minutes if your previous plan didn't already have it. It's not just a data add-on.

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