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Dara not working

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

My data is sudde ly  not working, it says  sign into network


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I guess the data was a gift last Christnas i think, was anyone extra data around the holidays? Cheers

Mayor / Maire

@Felixbthe1 - after checking that you have data left on your My Account, looking at this area below...ensure to click the refresh circle with the arrow (bottom, right of picture below) to capture the newest data or try a different browser or incognito tab to avoid cache  issues (old copies of information).



Check for outages in your area: 


If data has run out on your plan and you need more data, you can purchase a data addon, or change your plan before your next renewal or renew your current plan early (you need to contact CSA to do so for this last option).

@ilikepubmobile wrote:

I had the same issue as well all of a sudden and was told by tech support my walls, concrete and structure are interfering with the signal. Been using the same phone and service for years and somehow my sorroundings are selfreconstructing a fort shielding the network only. I still feel draft

Interference can't make a phone give that type of error message. Others have correctly identifified that a message prompting someone to sign in to the network means that someone has connected to an open Wi-Fi network and there are further steps needed before the connection can be used (such as agreeing to a terms of service or providing payment) or that the Public Mobile account has no data remaining.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I had the same issue as well all of a sudden and was told by tech support my walls, concrete and structure are interfering with the signal. Been using the same phone and service for years and somehow my sorroundings are selfreconstructing a fort shielding the network only. I still feel draft

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


call *611 to check history data,

Mayor / Maire

Are you by chance inadvertently connecting to some public Wi-Fi network with a captive portal that requries sign-in? If so, either sign into the network in question, or use the Wi-Fi menu in your phone to "forget" that network, or disable Wi-Fi entirely, and then you should be able to continue using your Public Mobile data after that.

Mayor / Maire

@Felixbthe1 hi it sounds like you have run out of data , sign into your self serve to check 

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